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Is It Really About the Age of the Earth?

A few months ago, a well-known apologist who believes in an old earth but had visited the Ark Encounter mentioned me and his visit to the Ark on his podcast and said that young earth creationists (like myself) should be willing to discuss the issue of the age of the earth and not refer to old earth creationists as “compromisers.” So why do I, and the Answers in Genesis ministry as a whole, continue to stand boldly on a young earth and assert that old earth teachings are indeed compromising God’s Word?

It’s because the issue isn’t really about the age of the earth at all (that’s why we do not primarily call ourselves a young-earth creation ministry). The issue we’re on about is biblical authority.

You see, ideas regarding evolution and millions of years don’t come from the text of Scripture. Just starting with God’s Word and no outside influences, you won’t find a hint of long ages or evolution! Those ideas come from outside the text, and then Genesis is reinterpreted in light of those ideas from outside Scripture. So the issue really is “Who is your authority?” Is God and his Word your authority, or is man your authority and Scripture gets reinterpreted in light of man’s ideas?

Now, many people don’t like being told they’re compromising God’s Word because of what they believe or teach. But they are! When someone accepts millions of years or evolution, they are making man—not God—the ultimate authority, and that is compromising biblical authority. And it just leads to more compromise!

I’ve had Christians tell me we should not use the word compromise when talking about those Christians who accept an old earth of millions of years. But the reason they don’t want us using that word is because they don’t want to acknowledge it is a biblical authority issue. So many want us to concede that people can have different views—but there’s only one correct view, and that is God’s view as clearly outlined in his Word.

It shouldn’t be a shock to anyone that those who compromise the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage, sexuality, gender, abortion, race, and more have already compromised Genesis in regard to the age of the earth and creation. They’ve already reinterpreted God’s clear Word, so why stop there? After all, what we as Christians believe about marriage, sexuality, gender, abortion, race, and so on are all grounded in . . . Genesis! So if Genesis is not literal history, why should we trust what it teaches about the morality that’s grounded in that history?

And if we can start outside of God’s Word with man’s word about the age of things, why not start outside of God’s Word with man’s view of sexuality and marriage, etc.? Once the door is unlocked to reinterpret God’s Word with man’s fallible word, it puts one on a slippery slide of compromise throughout Scripture.

So the reason we talk about the age of the earth isn’t because of the age of the earth itself—it’s a consequence of our stand on biblical authority!

by Ken Ham on May 3, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Just pitting the Truth of God against the lies of men.
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SDavis · 56-60, F
An old Earth believer is not compromising the word of God.

And an old Earth believer can say the same thing about young Earth believers. Those who first translated the scripture and pass down that teachings which was accepted and still accepted from generation to generations for centuries got it wrong.

Genesis 1:14-17 when God placed the Moon and the Sun in it's places is when he initiated the 24-hour day. Then he said let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night. **And let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and for years.**

MEN translated the writings into English the way they thought this, that, or the other meant. And these newer Bibles don't have the index that the Bible's had prior to 1968 which told us the Bible had been translated over 41 different times to come up with the King James version that was accepted. WHAT WE ARE BEING TAUGHT IS WHAT THEY THOUGHT IT MEANT.

Though these links will not go through on this site the Strong's concordance tells us the definition of the Hebrew word pronounced Yome means: it can mean year / it can mean a span or space of time / it can mean a division or period of time. It does not necessarily mean a 24 literal hour day.


Peter said a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and A thousand years is as a day - can you honestly say the type of day the writer of Genesis meant God speaking of. You can only speak of what you have been taught it to mean.

Peter also said and 2nd Peter 3:5 that it is deliberately ignored that **the heavens are of old** and the Earth existed out of water and through water by the Word of God. And science has discovered that the Earth was once a water world a few billion years ago. There was no land visible. And the Bible says God separated the water and he called the dry land to appear.

It's been 6,000 years since Adam sinned - that is when records of the deeds of mankind started (death was brought into the world and fell upon all mankind by one man, Adam.)

But to each their on belief about the age of the Earth and probably a few other things churches disagree with................................ The main thing is belief in our Lord, which makes it not really about the age of the Earth.
Carazaa · F

MEN translated the writings into English the way they thought this, that, or the other meant.

I for one believe that the King James version is the inspired word of God verbatim and I obey it. I for one believe that when God says he made the world in 6 days and man on day 6 and rested on the 7th, he meant that. We know all the generations from Adam to Jesus. Jesus rose 2 thousand years ago, so the world is 6000 years old. Jesus is coming back any Day because he told us the signs, are you ready?
I believe it is extremely important to rely on the word of God with our lives and test it. God wants us to put our lives on the line and trust him with our lives. Then you will increase your love for him because he will Wow you with his amazing grace. We can't be lukewarm, or he will spit us out.
Do you tithe 10% of your gross income? Or do you think that is nonsense too? 50% of all the virgins calling Lord, Lord had the Lord shut the door in their faces. Did God tell us that 50% of all Christians who call Jesus Lord will not go to heaven? I think so. Be careful. I want to be pleasing to the Lord more than anything.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
An old Earth believer is not compromising the word of God.

Not according to the Word of God. In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth which is He accomplished in seven days.

Those who first translated the scripture and pass down that teachings which was accepted and still accepted from generation to generations for centuries got it wrong.

Those who transacted the Word of God got it right through God's Spirit for they were Born Again Believers

MEN translated the writings into English the way they thought this, that, or the other meant

Men translated the writings into English as the Spirit lead them.

Peter said a day to the Lord is as a thousand years and A thousand years is as a day - can you honestly say the type of day the writer of Genesis meant God speaking of. You can only speak of what you have been taught it to mean.

That's true and, according to God's calendar, he's been dead in less than a week.

It's been 6,000 years since Adam sinned

It's been six thousand years since the world was created.

Tell me, are you born again?
SDavis · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 How do you know the translators were born again followers of Christ - you can be married to a person for 50 years and still not know who they really are. Because of preacher said they were.

And how do you know that the Spirit led those who translated scripture. Far too
many preachers of today say they are Spirit lead and commit sin / atrocities - and only a handful makes it to the news the majority is just neighborhood knowledge.

The Catholic Church with the priest and the bishops and what they have been doing to boys for centuries first recorded in the 11th century and probably since the beginning of the Roman church - after all Romans did practice that type of thing.

And Constantine even to the point of changing the day of worship from the seventh day to the first day and the church accepted it. And Christians ignore it.

Now you can believe the Earth is only 6,000 years old, go right ahead.

Asking me am to TELL YOU I a born again believer - for what. Your perception is flawed. And I wonder why Jesus says depart from me ye that work iniquity I never knew you ....... I wonder why in The Book of Revelation speaking of the seven churches and only two had a fair report ....... I wonder why Peter said the righteous scarcely makes it to heaven ........ I wonder why Jesus said they serve me with their tongues but their hearts are far from me ........ I wonder why Jesus called the Pharisees and Sadducees of bunch of vipers and they were the holy ones who knew and taught the scriptures to the people (leading them wrong) ....... I wonder why Solomon said nothing is new up under the sun _ I'll stop here.

Indeed go right ahead
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
How do you know the translators were born again followers of Christ

You didn't answer my question.
SDavis · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 I chose not to give you a direct answer godspeed 63.

Do you ask those who have different beliefs than yours in the interpretations or translations of various scriptures from the Methodist, the Catholic, the Protestant, the Baptist, the Characterismatic, the Unitarian, the Lutheran, the orthodox, the angelica's, and all the other different denominations and sub denominations in the churches of today - whether they are born again? What does it benefit you - nil.

Scripture says not to argue over words. Which is A debate, a continual backwards and forwards of words, it accomplishes nothing - 2nd Timothy 2:14 ......

Telling someone their belief concerning translation / interpretation of scripture is incorrect and attempting to correct them then ask them if they are born again is an insult. That is saying that if you're not a born again Christian you believe like I do well you are dead wrong.

That is the reason why there are so many different denominations in the church which should all be on one accord.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I chose not to give you a direct answer godspeed 63.


Do you ask those who have different beliefs than yours in the interpretations or translations of various scriptures from the Methodist, the Catholic, the Protestant, the Baptist, the Characterismatic, the Unitarian, the Lutheran, the orthodox, the angelica's, and all the other different denominations and sub denominations in the churches of today - whether they are born again? What does it benefit you - nil.

Belief follows truth and not the other way around. Jesus told us that we must be born again in order to see the kingdom of God, we must born of water and of the Spirit in order to enter therein. There's only one interpretation of God's Word and that belongs to Him and to whom He wishes to share it with. People have a right to believe what they wish but are responsible to believe in the truth of God rather than the lie of Satan.
SDavis · 56-60, F
@GodSpeed63 I've already told you why and if you didn't understand it that's your b i z.

you're indirectly saying that if a person believes other than you do they are believing in the LIE of Satan well I put that same theory back at you.

One on one you can attack me with your personal beliefs and accuse me of believing a lie that's your business. Now prove to me that God hasn't directed my beliefs to the truth concerning the age of the Earth / the misinterpretations of the meaning of ancient Hebrew words. That you are the one believing a lie / a lie, the LIE of Satan passed down from generation to generation. As it is written in Daniel's 12 and the last days knowledge shall increase and knowledge is a gift from God.

Conversation has ended on my part goodbye
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
you're indirectly saying that if a person believes other than you do they are believing in the LIE of Satan well I put that same theory back at you.

You got it wrong, sister, that's not what I'm saying. As a matter of fact, you answered my earlier question, you're not born again. What I believe is not personal but the Truth as God's directs. The Truth I believe belongs to everyone who accepts it. If what I believe doesn't line up with the Word of God, then I must change it so it will line up with His Word.