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Is It Really About the Age of the Earth?

A few months ago, a well-known apologist who believes in an old earth but had visited the Ark Encounter mentioned me and his visit to the Ark on his podcast and said that young earth creationists (like myself) should be willing to discuss the issue of the age of the earth and not refer to old earth creationists as “compromisers.” So why do I, and the Answers in Genesis ministry as a whole, continue to stand boldly on a young earth and assert that old earth teachings are indeed compromising God’s Word?

It’s because the issue isn’t really about the age of the earth at all (that’s why we do not primarily call ourselves a young-earth creation ministry). The issue we’re on about is biblical authority.

You see, ideas regarding evolution and millions of years don’t come from the text of Scripture. Just starting with God’s Word and no outside influences, you won’t find a hint of long ages or evolution! Those ideas come from outside the text, and then Genesis is reinterpreted in light of those ideas from outside Scripture. So the issue really is “Who is your authority?” Is God and his Word your authority, or is man your authority and Scripture gets reinterpreted in light of man’s ideas?

Now, many people don’t like being told they’re compromising God’s Word because of what they believe or teach. But they are! When someone accepts millions of years or evolution, they are making man—not God—the ultimate authority, and that is compromising biblical authority. And it just leads to more compromise!

I’ve had Christians tell me we should not use the word compromise when talking about those Christians who accept an old earth of millions of years. But the reason they don’t want us using that word is because they don’t want to acknowledge it is a biblical authority issue. So many want us to concede that people can have different views—but there’s only one correct view, and that is God’s view as clearly outlined in his Word.

It shouldn’t be a shock to anyone that those who compromise the Bible’s clear teaching on marriage, sexuality, gender, abortion, race, and more have already compromised Genesis in regard to the age of the earth and creation. They’ve already reinterpreted God’s clear Word, so why stop there? After all, what we as Christians believe about marriage, sexuality, gender, abortion, race, and so on are all grounded in . . . Genesis! So if Genesis is not literal history, why should we trust what it teaches about the morality that’s grounded in that history?

And if we can start outside of God’s Word with man’s word about the age of things, why not start outside of God’s Word with man’s view of sexuality and marriage, etc.? Once the door is unlocked to reinterpret God’s Word with man’s fallible word, it puts one on a slippery slide of compromise throughout Scripture.

So the reason we talk about the age of the earth isn’t because of the age of the earth itself—it’s a consequence of our stand on biblical authority!

by Ken Ham on May 3, 2024
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Just pitting the Truth of God against the lies of men.
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DocSavage · M
So the reason we talk about the age of the earth isn’t because of the age of the earth itself—it’s a consequence of our stand on biblical authority!
Don’t forget, Ham still hasn’t explained light years either. All god has is an old book. We have Hubble.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@DocSavage I've ask that question many times here with no answers from these people. No one can explain how the universe can be 6,000 years old when I can see for myself galaxies 15 million light years away.
DocSavage · M
You won’t see any answers here. You’ll notice he just reversed the memes.
Godspeed63 is completely lacking a personality of his own. That’s why he relies on Ken Ham.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
DocSavage · M
Still got light year wrong. And the word of god doesn’t make it right.
And light years still point to a universe older than ten thousands years old.
You can’t make it work.
@GodSpeed63 Actually, that's EXACTLY what "light year" means. One light year away means light took a year to reach us. Distances on the scale of several light years can also be independently measured geometrically using the angles between widely separated telescopes, and by comparing parallax with background items.

One million light years away absolutely means that light from the object took one million years to reach us. Ken Ham, despite his environmental science degree, is quite ignorant regarding astrophysics.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@ElwoodBlues Ken Ham, along with people on this site (one claims to have a Master's degree in science but had a post why we don't notice the earth turning) are incredibly ignorant of science.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@GodSpeed63 Then how did the light get here?
sree251 · 41-45, M
One light year away means light took a year to reach us.

Can we prove it?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 Yes we know the speed of light, so the math to calculate the distance it travels in a year is basic.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@JimboSaturn Please don't give me the math. You don't know the speed of light because you can't possibly verify that empirically through observation. You could bounce light off the moon and measure the time lapse of the reflection of 2.6 seconds. This would required the assumption that the moon is X miles away and the belief that light travels at the speed of Y miles per hour. That requires a lot of faith for someone who doesn't believe in God.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 What are you talking about? We know the distance to the moon .
@sree251 says
You don't know the speed of light because
Are you trolling now? This is a schematic of a 1926 experiment to measure the speed of light. Faster RPMs of the rotating mirror cause greater angular deflection of the beam; beam deflection depends on time-of-flight of the light. Simple trigonometry.

Michelson died in 1931 with only 36 of the 233 measurement series completed, but Pease and Pearson carried on. The experiment's accuracy was limited by geological instability and condensation problems, but in 1935 a result of 299,774 ± 11 km/s was obtained, the most accurate measurement of the speed of light to that date.

Speed of light from stars was measured by Bradley in 1728 via angular deflection of starlight at different points of the Earth's orbit.
See https://www.desy.de/user/projects/Physics/Relativity/SpeedOfLight/measure_c.html
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 What are you talking about? We know the distance to the moon .The rest is math. The speed of light was been proven many times. First by Roemer using Jupiter's eclipses. The greatest proof is that we use it everyday in telecommunications and other applications. The idea that we do not know the speed of light is idiotic not to mention has nothing to do with this post. I dont have faith in the speed of light its a proven fact
sree251 · 41-45, M
I've ask that question many times here with no answers from these people. No one can explain how the universe can be 6,000 years old when I can see for myself galaxies 15 million light years away.

The hell you can see that far. You can't even see how far the horizon is. You were told how far things are: from the distance to the golf green to the far side of the universe.

We believe everything we are told: from the creation of the world to your freedom in the USA.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 Um telescopes? lol I saw through my telescope. We know how far things are is because we invented this thing called measuring. We believe in proven facts which you seem ignorant of.
sree251 · 41-45, M
We know how far things are is because we invented this thing called measuring.

Measure is a convention for ascertaining the value of things. You believe in proven facts based on your being a party to a convention of rules-based order. They are your facts, and yours only.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 I dont understand your point sounds like silly deflection
sree251 · 41-45, M
I dont understand your point sounds like silly deflection

It sounds silly because you can't see outside your little world that you deem as the only reality. This attitude is bred into us as Americans from the day we were born. We are inbreds. Everything that doesn't fit into our worldview sounds silly and unacceptable. We expect Russia and China to accept our rules-based order or face harsh consequences. You would expect me to understand your point just because you don't eat chow mein?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 Um no . I believe in empirical facts. Nice try with trying to cloud the issue with silly mumbo jumbo
sree251 · 41-45, M
Um no . I believe in empirical facts. Nice try with trying to cloud the issue with silly mumbo jumbo

The mumbo jumbo was intended to whack your mind out of a track. You live in a material reality defined by the coordinates of space and time. There is nothing wrong with that because you need those coordinates to navigate yourself from the bedroom to the bathroom. Nothing in your practical life is 15 million light years away. Even God is closer in your daily spatial frame of reference.
@sree251 says
You don't know the speed of light because ...
DEAD WRONG!! We've known the speed of light to better than 1% since 1728, as noted above.

Measure is a convention for ascertaining the value of things. You believe in proven facts based on your being a party to a convention of rules-based order. They are your facts, and yours only.
There are few things sillier than a person using a multi-billion transistor device – communicating over twisted pair cables, optical fibers, microwave relays, etc – to deny that measurements of physical constants have a global reality🤣😂🤣😂

DUUUDE!!! If measurement didn't work, neither would the lightbulbs in your ceiling, nor the car in your garage, nor the TV in your den, nor the computer phone in your pocket!! It ALL works because measurements are REAL. It's frankly AMAZING that you can use all this technology and BLIND yourself to the high precision science behind it🤣😂🤣😂

And the exact same physics and measurement that gives us functional computers, fiber optics, GPS, etc, also enables measurements over a scale of 15 million light years and more.
See https://people.ast.cam.ac.uk/~pettini/Intro%20Cosmology/Lecture17.pdf

Nothing in your practical life is 15 million light years away.
That's novel! Now we have a "pay no attention to the facts behind my curtain" argument🤣😂🤣😂

The practical value of knowing about objects 15 million light years away is that it allows one to quickly debunk the silly claims of clowns like Ken Ham.

The mumbo jumbo was intended
Bull. You bluffed, your bluff was easily shown to be false, and now your new bluff is pretending your falsehood was for "educational purposes"🤣😂🤣😂
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
Its desperate deflection @ElwoodBlues
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@sree251 What is your point relating to this discussion?
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
@ElwoodBlues Thank god he is there to shock me out of my narrow minded ways!! :P
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sree251 · 41-45, M
What is your point relating to this discussion?

My point is that no discussion is meaningful if discussants are regurgitating beliefs (i.e. so-called accepted facts) to prove their assertions.

This topic title is about the age of the Earth. Is there any point to this discussion?