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I remember...the nature spirits.

In order to protect my more vulnerable forms of life.....non-human life....I gave each of them their own special guardian. Their own unique nature spirit to watch over them and guide them in their development so it occurred how it was properly supposed to, since these forms of life were not able to understand my notes yet and follow those on their own.

When I made the indoors....it was a problem. Some of my creations....they enjoyed being indoors. Some of creations...preferred being outdoors. The issue is....sometimes my creations who preferred the indoors, wanted to live with my creations that preferred the outdoors. I had to...come up with some sort of solution.

Nature spirits preferred the outdoors. But....some animals and plants....preferred to be indoors. How was I going to let them live indoors....while also....protecting them and nurturing them when the nature spirits wouldn't live indoors with them. So...I made up a system.

In order for an animal or plant to live indoors....someone else who lived indoors who had access to my notes, the information about how they were meant to develop, had to assume the responsibilty to raise and nurture them appropriately. This went well, because many of my creations also loved animals and plants and were happy to live with them indoors and care for them in this way. But....there was a problem....humans....are rebellious. They...like to do their own thing. They get that....from me 😁

So...humans...would try to come up with their own plans...about what was "best" for their charges...even though....they were instructed on what was best for them already. This led to...the abuse and neglect of my vulnerable creations that were totally dependent on them. So....I made a sort of deal system. If they were caring for their charge or charges well, great. If they weren't....the nature spirit....the designated guardian of that being....would show up and take it back from you. And find a better home.

Humans...have been ignoring and fighting the nature spirits....practically forever here. It's not their fault....they didn't get it or remember and were being manipulated....That is never how it was meant to be. So...the nature spirits.... were becoming very sick. Angry. Corrupted. Violent.

Now...they know I am fixing things. They are...relieved. they are....calming down.
Ananke · 26-30, F
HAHHAHAHA. That is why all your pets would keep trying to run away!!! The nature spirits were calling them back because you weren't taking care of them right! Dogs, cats, plenty of others too....they naturally LOVE the indoors. That is where they feel comfortable, safe. Where they thrive. They WANT to be there. But....the nature spirits....are provoking them to mischief.

It wasn't any of your faults. You were trying your best.
Ananke · 26-30, F
They....understand now. They are not....angry with me anymore. But....they are...sad. That their charges are suffering right now. They are....wounded for them. They....will not let me forget my promise to them...I will continue to feel their sadness and wound....until their charges are freed. I understand. They can't help it. And also....they want to hold me accountable. They don't need to do this in this particular situation....but they are trying because they do not have access to my full notes yet....only those notes pertaining to each of their charges. And...they do not have understanding in the way....that you all are developing it currently. Their time will come as everything else's.
Ananke · 26-30, F
@Ananke Oh....it is so sad....deeply sad....they are also wounded because they now know....that their charges....the most purely innocent of all my creations. They will be the last to be freed and the longest suffering. I....am so sorry. I wish...it were not this way. But....I need to organize their caretakers and get them back on track....before I can help them. It is....a process. They know this but still....they are sad. I am sad too. I feel their pain. It is my pain also. For my most innocent of creations.
Ananke · 26-30, F
They are asking me...for their souls to be completed....as humans are. So that they....can understand too. I warned them....this would make their tasks.....stressful. A lot more stressful. But....they are determined. So. This will be. I will give them what they ask.
Ananke · 26-30, F
Plants...I had to get...creative with plants...because....they could not just run away like the animals.

So...instead....they would..."die" if not cared for properly. But...they didn't really die. Their nature spirit would come to collect their essence and place it elsewhere, somewhere more suitable for it, as a seed again.

I also did this....with animals whose guardians...were being particularly stubborn....with the nature spirits. To free them from their situation in a last resort sort of way.
Ananke · 26-30, F
I remember....I always preferred the outdoors. That is why...that is how things initially were. There was only outdoors. But....some of my creations...I guess felt...exposed. They felt safer, more comfortable, in an enclosed space. So....I created that for them.

I actually did choose to live indoors for a long ass time even though I hated it because I just loved the animals and plants I made that preferred the indoors so so much.

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