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Spirit involvement level 1 part 2-Ending a marriage

Ok. So obviously I have not nailed this part down perfectly yet because it's really hard. Also I am likely going to catch flack for, or have trouble posting this because I don't think it is information spirits want humans to have necessarily. Bad spirits anyways.

Ending a marriage with a spirit that does not want to end one with you like I said is very, very hard. Depending on the spirit, maybe MAYBE you could negotiate your way out of things. If they were a particularly saintly spirit. (God for example is extremely easy to end a marriage with and you can do so at any time with no effort because he makes no attempts to control you.) But that is very rare and only for unique spirits.

Otherwise I have actually managed to successfully "divorce" my entity one time I believe. I will try to share what I did.

First I verbally retracted any and all agreements I had made with the entity, intentional or not. I verbally stated that I retracted any permissions I had unintentionally granted him. This is the first step in the "divorce" process and I think sort of breaks their "claim" on you that that feel they have. It's basically you arguing that their claim is void. If you don't do this first they will pretty much ignore your attempts to get rid of them and act like they own you and there's nothing you can do about it basically. I stated I did not want him in my life at all. You also have to GENUINELY want them out of your life-if there is a small repressed part of you that is attached to them for whatever reason, the divorce will fail.

The next step is to go about banishing. Depending on the spirit, the banishing process is going to be different I think. But it is hard to know for sure as I don't have a huge amount of experience banishing spirits yet, just demons mostly. I know that demons as well as angels (including the fallen ones) are obligated for whatever reason to obey God. So commanding them to leave in God's name or invoking beings related to God like the angels forces them to leave. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for all spirits. Human spirits for example will not be banished by this method. A number of other spirits too just don't really seem to respond to having God called on them. Specifically it seems to be most effective on demonic and angelic beings. The in betweens....not so much. So you have to do research into who your particular spirit is, find out what type of spirit they are exactly, and then what the exact protocol is for banishing that type of spirit.

I will make a note that even though Michael is an angel and affiliated with God, he is probably still one of the most powerful spirits out there and pretty much everything angel/demon or not either fears or respects him. He has chased non-angels/demons away from me before. So keep him in mind. In regards to involving other non-God affiliated spirits to protect you.....picture it like this. You accidentally invited a grizzly bear to live with you. Calling on God is like calling animal control to come remove the grizzly and return it to where it belongs. Calling on a non affiliated spirit for assistance is like....hunting down another bear that is hopefully stronger than your initial bear and then inviting that bear into your house too to fight the first bear. You can see the many ways that could go very wrong. So I don't recommend it unless you REALLY know that spirit well and have worked with them a long ass time and trust them. Otherwise you may just end up with 2 damn bears in your house instead of one.

Ok so after you initally start the banishing process, you have to then set up protection to keep the spirit from just waltzing right back. Most people forget about this step and that's why they get spirits show up again and again after banishing them. Learn how to set up protective magic in your home. I did work visualizing protective barriers of God's light and invited in my positive God-affiliated guides and guardians into my space and asked them to help keep him away from me and aid in the divorce process. If they hadn't been there, I would not have succeeded.

Keep in mind this process is probably going to take a good while, and that if you are divorcing a spirit that absolutely doesn't want to be divorced from you it is going to throw a fit and do whatever is in its power to do to get you to stop. For example in the process of divorcing my entity it caused literally THOUSANDS of dollars of damage to my and my loved ones property in retaliation. I lost my car entirely. It slammed me with severe health problems. Financial problems. Any problem you could possibly think of. It was like having the worst luck in the world. And it threatened and caused trouble for my loved ones too-they started getting into near-miss accidents. Basically him flexing what he could do if I didn't stop. Depending on what spirit you are divorcing they may act out in different ways-they may respond in a totally opposite way and start flooding you with goodies and temptations to entice you to stay. It really is based on the spirit. Just be aware of how serious things get when you initiate this. Be prepared for the worst. People can and have died/been killed in this process before. It is serious shit. So make sure you really, REALLY don't want that spirit in your life. In some cases, this is sad but it really is easier to just learn how to get along honestly, if the spirit isn't malicious.

The entire divorce process for me took several weeks. I think like 6-8 weeks total of just absolute hell. And then he was gone, and my guides communicated to me that it was over between us. I could no longer sense him anymore and felt that our connection was truly broken.

Now. Another thing to bring up. Just because you divorce an entity, just like with a human spouse, doesn't mean you have heard the end of them and won't ever have to deal with them again. This is where the "spiritual restraining order" comes into play.....some spirits may respect the divorce and give up at that point. But some won't and will try to re-marry you. The restraining order is basically just constant protection work you have to maintain at this point to keep the entity away from you. So you may be having to make a consistent effort to keep this entity away for the rest of your life. And they will hunt you down through other lifetimes too if they're persistent enough. So keep that in mind. They can and will remarry you. They'll find some way to trick you into it again. You can see why I say repeatedly that it is better not to be noticed a spirit in the first place. Because if one notices you, and it likes what it sees, it leads to this whole horrible spiral of events. Ironically people worry so much about angering spirits and accidentally making a spirit dislike them-in my opinion you should be more worried about a spirit liking you 😂 when spirits dislike you, they generally just don't want anything to do with you and you will never hear from them, unless you are directly challenging them and being an idiot. When spirits like you.....they meddle. They cause problems. Blessings too sure, but the blessings come with problems as a trade off. And they do everything they can to stick around, whether you want them to or not.

So that's my little guide for spiritual divorce. ✨️

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