ArcAngel · 61-69, M
You seem to have great faith in GOD and I think you are a servant of GOD; please watch this
vidieo interview at:
And when you are finished, please pray for these innocent children every day and every night who are suffering and dieing at the hands of these Satanic trafficers who are profiting millions of dollars
selling baby parts and blood and selling young children into sexual slavery. And please spread the
Extremely concerned,
vidieo interview at:
And when you are finished, please pray for these innocent children every day and every night who are suffering and dieing at the hands of these Satanic trafficers who are profiting millions of dollars
selling baby parts and blood and selling young children into sexual slavery. And please spread the
Extremely concerned,
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DazzaTheHutt · M
To my enemies? You must be joking. I’d rather hang them from a tree by their own guts.
GeraldVeritasSeeker · 18-21, M
@DazzaTheHutt karma will eat you
DazzaTheHutt · M
@GeraldVeritasSeeker Not if I eat it first.