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When will God intervene in human affairs and remove all evil? [Spirituality & Religion]

Are we dependent on the Americans forcing all Jews back to Israel to 'twist God's arm and force the rapture' they are always talking about?
The plan was to let evil in to begin with.
Sharon · F
@SpiritualMan I know christians like to believe that but that's all it is, a belief.
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Sharon · F
@SpiritualMan That's no more valid than saying a belief in what The Flying Spaghetti Monster has told us, therefore TRUTH.

We know the FSM is real because no one has proven It isn't.
Doomflower · 36-40, M
Even if there were a god that did remove all the evil the problem of evil is not solved anyway and god is no less a monster.
1490wayb · 56-60, M
you are speaking of people who manipulate the bible for their own personal wealth and power
i believe there is an invisible spiritual dimension where good and evil forces are at war
all around us
GOD has his own agenda and timetable
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@ScidoAmafreikis Do you have schizophrenia? Like not to make fun of it but to just understand where this came from.
AnthroKenji · 36-40, M
I don't believe in God and what I see is the result of the belief of God and negligence for fellow Humans. To me, the idea of God created this.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
In His time and in His way. Trust Him. Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior?
Sharon · F
Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior
No, because I don't delude myself like you do.
When people wake to the lessons of our ancestors, probably not during our lifetime unfortunately
We the People are the voice for God, once we agree to disagree but be sustainable, we may know knowledge 😉
Umm im american idk whos always talking bout the rapture hahah a little biased ey?
I think humans have to sort out the mess they created.
@DownTheStreet its americas fault ofc surprise surprise
DownTheStreet · 51-55, M
Tough to be No1@TryingtoLava
@DownTheStreet thatssss going a little far my friend hahah we arnt #1 but this post is biased for sure
Humans are awful
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