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What does Easter (Paques) mean to you? [I Am Spiritual]

Is it all about chocolate and Springtide optimism or do you go to church and celebrate the Resurrection?

It’s a beautiful time of the year, the most important in the Christian tradition and the focal point of the whole thing! It’s my favourite time for focussing on my past deeds and my future behaviour. With all that’s in the news, there are many talking about Har Magedon!

The news is a theatre of human ineptitude and greed, avarice, and egotistical behaviour is the predominant of the vast majority of people.
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LaLumieri · 51-55, F
Of course I know what the true meaning of Easter is in terms of spirituality. But it also means New Life and new blessings. To me Easter symbolizes something very very important. A very long time ago my father had a bad addiction to something most people never recover from. My father spent the 40 days of Lent detoxing himself from the grip of heroin. He did it alone and with no use of other drugs to help him through the side effects of detoxification. Anyone who knows what this is like, knows that it's absolutely grueling on the body. When he emerged from that room 40 Days Later he was humbled but yet strongest man I've ever known. He brought himself back to life and I believe he did it for his children for his family and yes of course for himself. My father went on to help others. We often saw him bring so many other people back to life. Those people who would otherwise be completely hooked in or dead, now have beautiful lives. It was an absolute privilege and pleasure to see my father give so much of himself to help others. He also worked with a community program and went there twice a week to help others even worse off than he was recover from addiction. My father did this up until 2 weeks before he passed away . He was 25 years sober . What a great gift to have given his children and family his friends and all the people he helped in this world. my father was a good man a true Shepherd he helped many to heal and helped many in need. So to me, Easter means my father raising himself from the dead, and coming back strong. As it has been said for hundreds of years even from the time of Moses, " it is not by the sword, But by the staff of a shepherd that he shall deliver his people." I celebrate his life and his Legacies. Have a lovely and wonderful Easter everyone may you and your loved ones be blessed.
Ankou · 22-25, F
@LaLumieri Amazing
JoeXP · 56-60, M
De nos jours, c’est pas ce qu’il était jadis. Autrefois il y avait les œufs durs peints, bonnets de Pâques, le Parade, l’èglise. Maintenant il s’agit des lapins aux chocolat.
zonavar68 · 56-60, M
It means I have to work every day when most other people get days off to be with friends and family. Just like Xmas. So meaning is lost and moot.
Magenta · F
Not much. It should be celebrated daily versus one day set aside that has become about bunnies and eggs.

Your last sentence is spot on.
CBarson · 51-55
Ostara, the celebration of the Vernal Equinox, return to life, and fertility.
SolGryn · 31-35, M
Nothing really

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