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Whats your view on this ? [Spirituality & Religion]

If you sin you hurt Christ then hurt yourself
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I think it sounds like guilt tripping.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@SW-User 😂😂😂
@SW-User But you only feel guilt because you know you did something wrong no? Lol
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
@Qwerty14 your right there , but temptations can be very strong to act out

But you only feel guilt because you know you did something wrong no?

Because what is called a sin is not necessarily something that is wrong.
Many Christians consider it a sin to have homosexual sex...but there's nothing wrong with that.
And yet one may still feel guilt over that.
@Pikachu Not homosexual sex. Sodomy. Don't conflate the two. Also your comment has no relevance as we are talking about the things you find guilty. If you feel guilt you must have done something wrong or why would you feel guilt?
No one who tells you your sin is hurting the Lord actually gives a damn about the sinner. It's all about shaming a person for whatever they did in order to control them. It's not about betterment or for the sake of anyone's souls. They say it for control.
@Qwerty14 You can feel guilt because you were taught that something is wrong. That doesn't mean that you have actually done wrong, though.

You're not supposed to lay with a man as you would lay with a woman...sound like homosexual sex to me.
But hey, if you want to take on Christian orthodoxy and tell them that they actually don't believe gay sex is a sin then you go for it lol.
Here's a debate on the subject. Tell me what you think.

If you feel guilt you must have done something wrong or why would you feel guilt?

You've missed my point entirely. You can feel that you have done something wrong without having done something wrong.
You can masturbate or be attracted to someone who is not your husband/wife and you have done nothing wrong...and yet you may feel guilty because you have been taught to feel bad about it.

Do you understand?

Exactly. Seems pretty self-evident.
@Qwerty14 The Bible does not use the word “sodomy.”
KiwiBird · 36-40, F
@LeopoldBloom Tell Lot's wife that....she needs more salt to rub into that.
Adstar · 56-60, M
@SW-User The only way a person can feel guilty is if their conscience agrees with the standards which they have broken / fallen short of living up to..

No one can MAKE another person feel guilty.. It is a co-operative endeavor needing the willing co-operation of the conscience of the offender..
RainBisou · F
Ouch! Lol
@SW-User If you don't think something is wrong, you won't feel guilt for it. Doesn't matter what you're taught. Every person has a different idea of right and wrong but they all feel guilt for something
@Qwerty14 Oh, I don't disagree. I thought you were implying that feeling guilt for something is proof of that something's objective universal immorality.
@Pikachu And do you understand that your point doesn't relate to my point then? You went off topic.

Also please don't quote Leviticus 20:13 as evidence of being anti homosexuals. The Hebrew translation is clearly refering to men lying with boys. The rules was to outlaw pederasty, a commonly practised thing at the time.
@SW-User No. There is no just thing as objective anything in this world. The only way you can create objective fact is by bringing a god into the equation.

you understand that your point doesn't relate to my point

Sorry, i don't understand that.
Maybe there's just some talking at cross purposes here but let's not say that the points aren't at all related lol.
You seem to say that one feels guilt when they know they have done something wrong.
My response was only that one need not do something wrong in order to feel guilty about it.
It sounds like we're just arguing the nuance of feeling guilty because something is harmful (eg> murder) and feeling guilty because you have been taught to feel guilty about it (eg> masturbation).

Also please don't quote Leviticus 20:13

So first it was definitely referring to sodomy and now it is clearly referring to having sex with young boys.
Whatever, take it up with them, not me lol.
@Pikachu Yeah that was the language the confused me. I think one need believe that thing to be wrong to feel guilt about it. That's self-evident.

As for homosexuality in the Bible, a better case against it comes from Romans 1:21-27 in which homosexual desires are called "unnatural" and are characterized as a consequence of worshiping idols and false gods.
@SW-User Yeah i think it's probably just down to miscommunication.
@SW-User You get it. You must believe something is wrong to feel guilty of it.

As for homosexuality... It's never referred to in the bible. Just sodomy. Not the same thing. Most people who commit sodomy are straight