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Genuine questions for Christians [Spirituality & Religion]

Most Christians would claim that god loves us all and wants us to spend an eternity with him in heaven. According to (John14:6) The way to Heaven is only through Jesus Christ, and Jesus Christ alone. Our Lord Jesus Christ is Himself the way to Heaven. He does not merely show the way; He is the way. Salvation is only in the person of Jesus Christ.
Now imagine you grow in a country where christianity is not the dominant religion and you’ve never heard of it. You go your entire life living according to your cultures customs and practices. You eventually die and you find yourself going to hell because of you followed the “wrong religion”
Another example, christianity is once again not the dominant religion but you are familiar with some of its teachings but you still follow the dominant religion because of you agree with it’s teachings and the various miracles you witness. You eventually die and go to hell because you followed the “wrong religion”
Hell has been described as a place of eternal damnation and torment. Emphasis on Eternal. Exactly why is eternal torment the appropriate punishment for not believing in the right god?
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SharingIsCaringSB · 26-30, F
Those who do not believe in or worship the true God will not be saved, because there is only one true God (cf. 1 Corinthians 8:6). Even the demons believe and tremble before God (cf. James 2:19). In order to be saved on Judgment Day, one must reconcile with God by entering through Christ Jesus (cf. John 10:9). Those who enter through Christ Jesus are the ones who join the Church Of Christ, of which Christ is the head (cf. Colossians 1:18). Therefore, faith alone is not enough for one to be saved (cf. James 2:14, 24). Christ Jesus will not save anyone outside the Church Of Christ, because it would be against the law of God, which requires that sinners pay for their own sins (cf. Deuteronomy 24:16; John 8:24;1 Corinthians 5:13).

However, we should keep in mind that God is fair and merciful (cf. Psalm 86:5). According to Apostle Paul, those who were not reached by the true gospel, such as those who lived and died before the re-emergence of the Church Of Christ, will be judged through the law that is written in their hearts with their consciences bearing witness. They know what is basically right or wrong because of the law that is written in their hearts. God will judge those who are judged by their hearts because He is greater than our hearts and He knows all things (cf. 1 John 3:20).
Zenyatta · 26-30
@SharingIsCaringSB This did not answer my question
bookerdana · M
For the Sola scriptura crowd

Paul declares in Acts 17 that from the very beginning God’s intention was for men to seek and find him. Paul says even those without any direct revelation of God still have his moral law written in their hearts (Rom. 2:14–15) and can know much about God through the witness of creation (Rom. 1:20). God has made it possible for every person to have knowledge of him, which makes faith in him possible. No one is totally “in the dark,” and, as Isaiah attests, those who seek God and find him will find mercy and forgiveness (Is. 55:66), two necessary components of salvation.
For more rational folks,a loving ,merciful God would never condemn those following their conscience
:D if you haven't heard of the right God
Not sure but I think
you get a free pass
Zenyatta · 26-30
@ammelee Where does is it say that you get a free pass
Sharon · F
I'd like to know how these christians are going to explain themselves to Odin when they meet Him at the Doors to Valhalla. 😎
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
The world needs to be a little more Jewish where there is no heaven or hell.

Make the world a better place before you die.
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@JoeyFoxx The existence of each branch represents a deep and fundamental schism within the religion. Even within Islam and Christianity there have been centuries of war and hatred. The Sunni and Shia hate each other over a millenia old inheritance argument. The Protestants and Catholics painted Europe red with their frequent wars between each other. The fervent passion behind religion being infallible is extremely dangerous when people come to different religious conclusions.
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
@ViciDraco To truly have peace, one must have war?
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@JoeyFoxx A lot of these religions do seem to take to the World Conquest route to peace, yes.
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