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Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Christians have persecuted people for centuries!!
Carazaa · F
@Harriet03 I have you just don’t like truth
LeoWulf · 36-40, M
@Harriet03 So has Islam and probably few other religions.
Carazaa · F
@LeoWulf thank you!

Entwistle · 56-60, M
Why isn't God helping them?
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Carazaa · F
@Emosaur You are just young and uneducated about the Bible and I won’t discuss it with you because you don’t understand!
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IlovePeaches · 22-25, F
religious people being persecuted by other religious people... always in the name of the one true god...

see a pattern there ?
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Carazaa · F
@SpiritualMan Yes a pastor should not sin!
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Thecollective · 100+
And Christians did the same for centuries Spanish inquisition anyone?
Carazaa · F
@autumngirl27 Allah is not Jesus! Jesus is the creator, the slaughtered lamb, and your judge, and the judge of everyone! And he is coming this generation!
@Carazaa Never said he was. Allah is the same as your "god"
Carazaa · F
@autumngirl27 👍️
Why bring beauty into this? If they were any other religion, or no religion, would you still call them "beautiful"?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
At least you are happy.

I call it being filled with joy in all circumstances.
@GodSpeed63 Good for you. Lol
TheWildEcho · 61-69, M
@canusernamebemyusername yes God gives us His love, joy and peace
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Carazaa · F
No therefore you are Not born again and you haven’t repented, nor asked God for wisdom, nor follow Jesus, AND you take away and add to the Bible! So now you know!
Better to have a loving friend tell you than one who kisses you ass!
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Pinkstarburst · 51-55, F
People persecute people all over the planet pretty much all of the time...always have and always will.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
All the countries you mention in Asia and Africa. Of course there were some horrendous things done by colonisers but the Christian missionaries were there to try and help these people. Your history is very ill informed I’m afraid because you’re lumping everybody together and has people do today@autumngirl27
I did not mention any specific countries in Asia, Africa and in the South Pacific area. How do you know which ones I'm referring to?
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I assume you have visited there?@autumngirl27
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
I agree about that, they are persecuted in Islamic countries but Christians also persecute others such as Evangelicals killing children accused of witches in Africa. Such is religion. I support secularism for that reason, everyone should be able to worship as they please but separate from state and Govt.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I have been to most of Africa. Some of the poorest areas in fact. I am sure you have been to none of it but are just promoting your own prejudices. But people like you cannot stand the truth anyway @SatanBurger
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Speedyman Your only proof that it doesn't happen is that you've been to Africa and never saw it so it must not happen and that all charities rescuing these kids are all atheists and lying. That countries who have banned African evangelicals because of their link to child murders are all just an atheist agenda. There's no such thing as cultism, no such thing as religious abuse in any religion, and that your religion is perfect, can never do no wrong and has nothing to be criticized over.

That is prejudice, you are projecting yourself unto me.

Admitting there's issues when it is relevant to do so doesn't make you NOT a christian anymore. If anyone tells you that you can't be Christian and be critical of the church is lying and dogmatic. You need to not be ashamed to admit there's issues, admitting there's issues doesn't invalidate your religion 🤷‍♀️

Furthermore, you keep telling me I'm an atheist, I'm not. True, I support the theory of evolution but your classification to anyone who disagrees with you as an atheist just furthers the fact you're prejudiced.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
You are absolutely and completely wrong. You just talk out the back of your head. You have no idea what you are talking about@SatanBurger
Speedyman · 70-79, M
We know that 80% of religious persecution today is aimed at Christians. The course that merely fulfils what the Bible says: “All men shall hate you because of me”
@Carazaa I know Carter is a Christian - a real one. So it's unfortunate that the Christian community abandoned him in favor of a fake Christian like Reagan.
Speedyman · 70-79, M
Politics is about policy. We don’t actually know that Reagan was a fake Christian@LeopoldBloom
Carazaa · F
@Speedyman true!
Ryannnnnn · 31-35, M
Who isn't persecuted for being different?. History repeats itself.
revenant · F
They both are really pretty !
Carazaa · F
@revenant bright too!
Yes the Satanic NWO only wants to worship baphomet. Singing now is not allowed in churches, masses are cancelled...but riots allowed. Then when antichrist comes , he will reopen churches so that people are fooled and believe he os the Messiah
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Carazaa · F
@SpiritualMan No! You are wrong! Please ask God for wisdom!
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leowander · M
What an inspiring account from two courageous women.
Carazaa · F
@leowander I think so too!
JoeyFoxx · 56-60, M
People use religion a a reason to persecute one another.

People use politics as a reason to persecute one another.

People use race as a reason to persecute one another.

People use money as a reason to persecute one another.

Anyone else notice a pattern here?
[image/video deleted]
I'm sorry, what were you saying ?
@MarmeeMarch If you don't want Christians to be judged by the few who are assholes, stop judging all Muslims by the few of them who are assholes.

There are a billion Muslims in the world; if all of them were terrorists, the rest of us would be dead.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Good Grief!! That's not good at all!!
I can’t believe people do that to each other. Oh wait yes I can. People persecute each other all the time for their own personal self righteous reasons.
Carazaa · F
Carazaa · F
I erased your comment by mistake, so sorry! You said that you have no sympathy for Christians?
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Chelsiegirl · 46-50, T
@Emosaur im a athiest for a reason..

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