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I Had a Spiritual Awakening

I believe in life after life. Reincarnation and infinite energy.
If we were able to remember our past journeys, we wouldn't be able to focus on the current journey. Did you know that DMT naturally floods the pineal gland (third eye) at 7 weeks (49 days) in the womb, during REM sleep, during AP, OBE's, and at death? I believe this chemical that is released in our pineal glands, is released to open a portal, in order for your soul/spirit/energy to leave/enter your physical body.

Ancient Buddhists believed that the soul reincarnates at 49 days. It has just recently been proven that DMT floods the brain of the fetus at 7 weeks (49 days) in the womb and the heart begins to beat. Is it just a coincidence??

As for Heaven and Hell, I think of positive/negative energy and Karma. Heaven is a way of saying that you lived a mostly positive life. Hell is a way of saying that you lived a mostly negative life. Your Karma will play out during this lifetime and will continue to play out during your next lifetime, if the negative outweighed the positive.

As for God. It is not a he, or religious... God is not even a being, God is energy. Think of the Big Bang as a giant ball of energy (GOD), which then explodes and creates everything into existence. Everything in existence is connected because we share the same energy. In a sense, WE are GOD.

You must be thinking... well if the Big Bang is God, then what about the Big Crunch. When the time comes and everything in existence returns to and creates the source, it will then be as before. A giant ball of energy, which then explodes and recreates everything into existence all over again.

There is no beginning, there is no end...only boundlessness.

In order for God to be omnipotent/omnipresent, it cannot be a he, or a being. Don't get me wrong, I believe in ascended masters and/or spiritually advanced beings, but they're not the source. God's existence as a being, is the universe and everything in existence. The energy that fuels our soul/spirit/energy, is a form of God. This God energy is located within everyone, everything in existence is "GOD". Spiritually advanced beings are able to understand this knowledge because they see not from their own perspective, but from the perspective of the universe. Less spiritually advanced beings want to put a picture to their creator. It's easier to comprehend that God is a HE, God is a BEING.... GOD LOOKS LIKE ME, rather than a giant ball of universal energy.
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AlienZipper · 61-69, M
Those are interesting statements, but they are opinions, not verifiable, absolute truths.

If God is merely a form of energy, where did that energy come from in the first place? Did it create itself? It had to have originated from somewhere. And how does that energy "create" everything?

Mind you, I am not trying to be argumentative, but there are questions to be asked and hopefully answered before such statements can be posited as absolute truths.
AlienZipper · 61-69, M
@Infinity: I don't know where you get the idea that time is an illusion. If it were then what's the point of history, or calendars, or even something like a watch. I think it's more proper to say that it's an illusion to think that time is an illusion. Human existence proves that time is very real.

I'm sorry, but for energy to exist certain elements have to be in place for it to exist and be released. Energy is not an entity capable of self creation. To say it is of it's own origins makes no more sense than to say you and I are of our own origins.
Infinity · 31-35, F
Is time actual realities of the physical world or artificial constructs of human mentality?

Big Bang, Big Crunch.... Expansion, Compression.

Energy is not an entity capable of self creation, nothing is BECAUSE, energy cannot be created. As this energy expands, it will eventually reach a point of compressing (returning to the source), where it will be as BEFORE a giant ball of universal energy. What happens next? EXPANSION, AGAIN.

All elements are located within the source.

Now, you're trying to be argumentative.

Please understand that the "spiritual reality", cannot be understood/explained in "physical terms" right now. The human race is more concerned about, "A New Millipede Species having 414 Legs and 4 Penises". The end of the human race will arrive before we obtain physical/factual evidence on this subject.

AlienZipper · 61-69, M
Time existed before humans appeared on this planet. So much for artificial constructs.
You're right - energy is not an entity capable of self creation, therefore it could not have appeared of its own volition. There wasn't a vacuum and then - poof - energy suddenly appeared. Therefore it had to come from somewhere - be created - and put into motion.

I'm not being argumentative, I'm just asking some practical questions about your statements. You're making your declarations sound as if they are beyond reproof, when in fact they are not. You have no authoritative proof for your beliefs - just your assertion that these things are so and are not open to debate.
AnukBinary · M
Thank you for your wisdom and it's comforting to know there is someone else who thinks not only outside the box yet thinks of the space that actually created the box in the first place.. I feel I will plant my story in this group🙏
doctorlove · M
This is a fun share. I could never in 7 paragraphs.
Infinity · 31-35, F
I've have 1 OBE due to a psychedelic drug. They called it "7H incense" and sold it in gas stations a few years back. I was 19 and figured... "Oh, it's fake weed, so I'm going to smoke a lot of it to be sure I get high." Little did I know that 3 minutes after smoking it, I would begin to have an OBE lasting 45 minutes.

I wish that I could achieve OBE, by deep mediation, but I can't. Once I'm about to leave my body, I fear that "jump or jolt" and snap out of it.

Haha. It seems like you, needing piles and piles of things. LOL. I could talk peace ALL day.

My fears consisted of death and fear of the unknown. I didn't know what was happening and I thought that I was dying.
doctorlove · M
That's interesting. And good you survived whatever that shit was - bathsalts? 😏

I wonder if that could have an effect on you wanting/deciding to go over again. I've done a lot of mind-alteration, including hallucinations. Never took me there, though.
Infinity · 31-35, F
I agree...lmao. It was an herb (possibly sprayed with hallucinogens).... Maybe DMT? IDK.

This "7H incense" didn't let me decide if I wanted to go over or not. It just kind of grabbed me and said, "you're going over". When in deep meditation you have to decide if you want to go or stay. I want to go, but that "jump (dimensional shift)" scares me every time.

If anything that experience made me want to go over, even more. It's those fears that hold me back.

One day, I plan on pursuing this, but until that day, I'm just a stay at home mom (wiping butts)... LOL.
Ih1King · 36-40, M
Thank you very much for this enlightening and profound thought provoking post. 🙏
Infinity · 31-35, F
Thought provoking is my job.
I do it for you guys! :)
Ih1King · 36-40, M
@Infinity: You're sweet.
Infinity · 31-35, F
Powerful psychedelic that all living organisms produce naturally. This substance can be extracted out of plants and used as a drug.
Tukudo · 41-45, M

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