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Here is how Jesus helped me in my life! [Spirituality & Religion]

Part 1:
When I was a little girl I wanted to learn about God but I wasn’t allowed to go to the Sunday school across the street, or give my allowance to the church. I asked God if he was real or all the talk about God was just nonsense. One day I snuck over to the Sunday school to listen to the teacher and I gave my allowance, but I got yelled at for doing that. So I started reading a book that I found about God. It was Uncle Arthur’s Bedtime stories, true children stories how God helped kids when they prayed. It was a book of little miracles! I started to question God more, and more! I desired to read the Bible for myself to learn more about what it said about him.
One night before I went to bed i wanted to test God! I put a penny on my dresser and said to him! “God if you are real you can do anything, so take this penny away, then I will know you are real”
In the morning I woke up and found the penny there! I immediately could understand and felt ashamed that I had tested God! I knew right then that God does not have to prove himself to little me and who was I to put demands on God? So I started to cry and fell on my knees embarrassed and repented! I promised God that morning that I would give him my all my whole life! I belonged to him and I would go wherever he wanted me to go to help people and tell them about God!
It was 5 years later that my Dad decided to
Apply to a research hospital and university in the ISA to teach and do research in medicine! My Dad asked us to vote who wanted to go! Everyone voted except me! I was devastated when they sold the house and moved to a little apartment in the middle of the city to wait for the visas.
When we finally moved a few months later I left behind my best friend and some cute guy I was talking to, my wonderful grandparents that I visited in the summers on an island and in the winters where I iceskated with my cousins. I was heartbroken! I missed them all so much that I cried.
The actual day for the plane ride to the USA came and it was kind of exciting and sad at the same time! It was a cold snowy November day in Sweden, and a warm sunny day in California when we landed!
I was placed in a middle school in a English as a second language! Which spoke mostly Spanish! My Dad got mad at the teacher and pulled me out and placed me in regular English classes. After a year I got As in English. I didn’t open my mouth the first year. And had no one to talk to! But the weather was great! I didn’t pray a lot that year but pretended my best friend was with me and I talked to her!
Continue tomorrow:

Part 2:

I was able to finish the year and then enter high school! Before I finished high school I met a boy at a party! It’s one of the few parties I went to, if not the only party that I attended in high school. My high school was in a little university town with only professors and their kids and the students attending the university. There weren’t any parties going on at all in this little town. No one did drugs or drank that I was aware of. Almost everyone was studying most of the time. I wasn’t studying at all though. I hate studying so I winged it on a daily basis. What I loved to do was read! So I read the Swedish fiction books that I had brought with me from Sweden for hours a day .
My sister and I had been dancing ballet every day in Sweden at a ballet school so we continued the dancing after school at a good ballet school in the USA.
I remember the day I met Peter! It was a day on spring break and it was warm. I put on some shorts and a T- shirt and drove out to the countryside where this party was. A friend had invited me to her estate in the country. I arrived with my friend and thought it would be nice to go out to the back yard so I headed straight there as soon as I saw all the people in the living room. I sat down on a big fence and enjoyed the sun, when this boy with blond hair and a tan sat down infront of me on a chair! I have no idea what he said but he talked and talked and talked. I was able to understand that he was going to a very good university after summer and he had graduated a year early to enjoy a year break before going to college. He was working part time staying at his family’s vacation cabin. After a few minutes i found my friend inside and felt like leaving and stood by her to let her know when all of a sudden she says guess what this girl (me) has no prom date! I noticed Peter sitting on the couch and he said why! My friend answered “well if no one asks you then you don’t have a date!”
I thought “what the heck is my friend trying to embarrass me for! “ well the guy didn’t say anything so obviously he didn’t want to volunteer going to the prom with me! I had gotten a date actually but I wasn’t too thrilled about my prospect so I didn’t say anything!
We left and went home.
The next day I got a call from Peter. He said “ would you like to go out to eat tomorrow?” I said “yes” and he sounded surprised when he said “ you will?” He picked me up in a sports car the next day. We went to a little restaurant in a neighboring town (wonder what he was trying to hide from)
The next day he took me out again to a nicer restaurant and took me home to his parents house after and took me to his bedroom! Man, what was I thinking? Well he kissed me and starting to hug me and I said “I have to go”
Then he disappeared a week and then he called me again!

Part 3:

So then he called me every day and we spent more and more time together but I got scared because no one had paid so much attention to me before and he was kissing me all the time. Until one day I broke up with him because I thought he was being too forward and disrespectful.
After another week he called and said he missed me and I gave in and we got back together! I wished my mom had talked to me about boys because I knew very little about them.
My mom never spoke to me! She was very depressed and really lived for my Dad everyday not for her kids. I came to her one day and asked can I please talk to you about this boy Peter but she looked at me and said, “ don’t bother me with your problems” so then I went to God in prayer. My parents were going to Sweden for the summer and asked if I wanted to go or if I wanted to stay! But if I were to stay I had to take care of the house and garden and I can have the car but not go on the freeway. My dad being a doctor was scared of accidents.
I chose to stay in the house in the USA. My kind dad asked if I wanted a person to take care of the house so I didn’t have to. I said “ ok” so a family rented part of the house. For some reason they thought they could tell me what to do. I appreciated the Dads suggestions not to spend so much time with peter. And I should have listened and paid attention more but I liked adventures so I went with Peter on one adventure after another that summer! Concerts, hiking trips, swimming, sneaking into apartment jacuzzis. We had fun! Every day when I came home the Dad of the family talked to me about my behavior. They called my parents and worried them! They could not understand what was happening because to them having fun is normal teen behavior and they weren’t worried! I had been a good girl up to now. A friend of mine suggested we drive to the beach but that would mean driving on the freeway so I told her that was out of the question! She tried to convince me because my Dad wouldn’t find out but I didn’t want to disappoint my parents so I told her “no”

part 4

So we spent a lot of time together and I talked to him about Jesus. I wanted him to be saved but I was so scared when he went away and I felt so lonely. I was upset and missed him so much. I tried to go out with other guys but I didn’t love anyone like I had loved Peter. He proposed one day but I couldn’t get into his college so I said no. He called a few times but we saw less and less of each other. I met someone who went to my college who wanted to marry me, so I did!
My husband was depressed and abusive and finally he left and moved in with a girl down the street. At the time we had 2 kids together.
I started reading the Bible daily and listened to Family Radio all day. I worked at my sons preschool. First as an assistant and then as a teacher. After my husband left I asked God for clear guidance what he wanted me to do. I couldn’t afford my rent! I came across
Malachi 3:10
“Bring the full tithe into the storehouse so that there may be food in my house. Test me in this says the Lord Almighty and See if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour so much blessings that there will not be room enough to store it!”
So I gave 10% to the church and some to Family Radio ministries and challenged God like he said. A day before my rent was due a lady knocked on my door and gave me $22,000 because I had given her rides to her friend in hospice and he died and left her money. She said she didn’t need the money and she wanted to thank me! She insisted that I take it!
I had challenged God and he showed me he was trustworthy! I started to trust in the Bible more!

Part 5

I had lost everything! My country, my grand parents, my best friend, my aunt, my cousins, my boyfriend, and now my husband! God had emptied me of everything that I cared about except my children, so it brought me to my knees! I had asked God a few years ago to do with me what he wants so he was molding me in his image! Jesus had nothing and was faithful. For every loss I got closer to God. I read my Bible and I listened to the music of Family Radio everyday. I started singing in the church choir I wasn’t aware at the time that he was preparing me to serve him in a mighty way! I was teaching at my children’s christian preschool. And I was surrounded with wonderful people and
I enjoyed my job but I wasn’t making enough money! With the money I had received I payed for their school the rent and a car. I applied to a few universities to go to grad school but every single school wanted me to quit my job and study full time so I decided to go to night school part time. I made a very good friend at church who helped me! He gave me a computer and took me to lunch all the time and
He even told me he wanted to buy me a house. I had to say no since I wasn’t about to get married again! After reading in the Bible “ Anyone marrying a divorced woman commits adultery” I just couldn’t remarry yet! God must have other things in mind for me, so I kept single and remembered Gods word “ I will be a husband to the husband less, and a Father to the fatherless”

My parents went back to Sweden and stayed there and I was devastated! I needed them but I though that God wanted only Godly people in my kids and my life. My sister too was busy and didn’t visit! But my friends, church, and job was enough support for me at the time!

My kids went to public schools after they started elementary school and were very popular! I told them to be kind to everyone at all times. Their teachers told me they were the top in their class and leaders and the most behaved. They never had a problem with anyone ever! I was proud of them!

Continue part 6 tomorrow
JBird · F

In the morning I woke up and found the penny there! I immediately could understand and felt ashamed that I had tested God!
Or maybe God isn't real. 🤷
JBird · F
@Carazaa 'sinful by genetics'? 😂 Now you're trying bring genetics into this. I am sorry but there's no such thing as 'sinful genetics'. It's just words brought up by ancient men to make people feel bad about themselves and control them.
kodiac · 22-25, M
@JBird I have to bow out ,i can't debate when it just makes no sense at all .Good luck lol
JBird · F

That is why humanity was thrown out of the garden of Eden!
Do you know that's just a story? Humans were created on Earth. They didn't come from an imaginary garden.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
That sounds quite traumatic.
're praying for the penny to disappear..if you had woken and it had gone then you would have said "God took it" as it was still there that proved to you that "You shouldn't test god"!
You seem to attribute any outcome to God.
Carazaa · F
@TheWildEcho Ive posted part 3
Sharon · F
You missed the point!
What was your point that you say I missed? Your post seemed quite clear to me.
Carazaa · F
@Sharon Good that you are clear!
Nanori · F
How do you know it wasn't Muhammad?
Nanori · F
@Carazaa reading your other comments and stories... you've reached the point of madness
Nanori · F
@GodSpeed63 they both have similar evidence to their existence
Carazaa · F
@Nanori Jesus said we would be persecuted! Nothing new! You don’t have to be following me!
kodiac · 22-25, M
It's an awesome story, I don't think it should be turned into a debate about god or no god. Thanks for posting about your life it's very Interesting .
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa Yes i did .
Carazaa · F
Thanks for reading my story! It means a lot to me!
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa You're welcome.
kodiac · 22-25, M
Yopu can say god helped you ,but wasn't it kind people that helped you?Those same people that were covered in sin? I wonder if any of them are good enough to be in heaven .
Carazaa · F
@kodiac God controls everything!
kodiac · 22-25, M
@Carazaa Including baby rapers ,killers and every bad thing in this world .You can't have it both ways.
Carazaa · F
He allows evil to roam at times! God is good ALL the time! In the end everyone will have to answer to God and God will even the score!
JBird · F

Until one day I broke up with him because I thought he was being too forward and disrespectful.
I didn't think it was disrespectful for being attentive to you. That's totally normal.

My dad being a doctor was scared of accidents.
That's called being parent.
Carazaa · F
@JBird I meant you can wait for marriage!
JBird · F
@Carazaa why? It's my decision.
Carazaa · F
@JBird Yes, absolutely!
JBird · F

A day before my rent was due a lady knocked on my door and gave me $22,000 because I had given her rides to her friend in hospice and he died and left her money.
If I remember correctly, you mentioned lesser amount before.
JBird · F

I had lost everything! My country, my grand parents, my best friend, my aunt, my cousins, my boyfriend, and now my husband! God had emptied me of everything that I cared about except my children, so it brought me to my knees!
Are they dead?

Edit: I thought they were dead from your dramatic statements. Nevertheless, there are people who lost their family and home forever. Where was God for them at that time?

He even told me he wanted to buy me a house. I had to say no since I wasn’t about to get married again!
How is buying a house means getting married again?

After reading in the Bible “ Anyone marrying a divorced woman commits adultery”
How's this an adultery? Why is it okay for a divorced man to marry but for a divorced woman? I know many divorced women who remarried and led a happy life. Maybe that statement is completely wrong and your God is an idiot.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
Praise the Lord, Jesus. He is so good. He's changed me a great deal. Before I knew who God was, I was a Catholic and I was scared to death of Him. This is what religion does to people. I met Jesus Christ in 1985 through other brothers and sisters in the Lord and received Him as my personal Lord and Savior. I must admit though, that I said the sinner's prayer several times before I actually opened to Him and let Him in. After that, God gave me a heart for the truth.
Carazaa · F
@GodSpeed63 Yes when we’ve been changed by God we are changed forever!
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
A great insight into your thinking. I can;t wait to see the next part. Thank you for telling us what you have so far:)
Carazaa · F
@Zeusdelight I just added part 2 and part 3 to the same post it’s there!
Zeusdelight · 61-69, M
@Carazaa Interesting, reading a person's life experiences!
Carazaa · F
The beginning of my life was ok but the last is amazing!
Pfuzylogic · M
I love a good testimony.
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Pfuzylogic · M
I like the characters he plays.
Carazaa · F
I do too!
Pfuzylogic · M
I have 30 pictures of him and I default to a crosseyed “stripes” portrait. This one is so innocent though.
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
Carazaa · F
@Harriet03 why frightening?
Harriet03 · 41-45, F
@Carazaa All children have pretend friends, but to carry on into adulthood?!
Isn't that strange/ frightening?
Carazaa · F
God helps me and he is not imaginary I hope you’ll continue reading tomorrow? I’ll just add to it each day!
Just read until Part 4 and I think it's wonderful to walk through your early years...and I can relate to you in so many ways. I too used to talk to God v it! 💞🤗
Lovely read....thanks for sharing!!
@Carazaa yup...or an interesting book. 😍
Carazaa · F
@Vivaci ive written part 5 today!
@Carazaa awesome...I'll go check it out now. Thanks! 🤗
Carazaa · F
I finished part 5
@Carazaa 🤗 💕 Staying true to your faith n belief is all that matters in the end.
Carazaa · F
@Vivaci Thank you so much for that!
@Carazaa I also used to test God as a kid....and teenager. I can relate to🤗
Carazaa · F
I’ve posted part 1, 2, 3, 4, and part 5 will come tomorrow!
Carazaa · F
@Lostpoet Thank you so much🌷
Carazaa · F
@Lostpoet thanks I’ve posted day 3
Carazaa · F
@TexChik I wrote part 2 today! Did you read it? I will write part 3 tomorrow!
TexChik · F
@Carazaa did you post it ?
Carazaa · F
Yes I added it to this post!
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
så du är svensk?
Carazaa · F
@MartinTheFirst Ja vi har pratat förut har vi inte det?
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
@Carazaa oki
Carazaa · F
@Carazaa jag har skrivit mer idag!
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Carazaa · F
@Emosaur No those are Gods standards!
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