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Is it wrong to use tarot cards if you are a christian? [Spirituality & Religion]

Why do you think so or why not?
edistoflyer · 46-50, M
Good question.

Read up on King Saul's having consulted with the witch of Endor.
Consider the Biblical account of the creation of the golden calf idol.
As opposed to the narrow road (singular), where does the wide road lead?
Who is the way, the truth and the light?

The right answer, like gravity, is still in force and correct no matter how many disagree or disregard.
Carazaa · F
Detoronomy 28 it will bring a curse on your family and kids for generations! It will bring demons into your house. If you want to be blessed then pray to, have faith and follow Jesus!
“If you ask me anything in my name I will do it” Jesus says.
Carazaa · F
Well I have imitated atheists at times how they mock us when they say things like we don’t mock!
@Carazaa there was a girl on here who was taunting christians i felt, and then i saw your post and i thought you were her being a troll!
Carazaa · F
@AliceinWonderland No I only have one profile and this is it! I don’t think it is good to make fun of anyone!
Yes, the bible says so.
Classified · M
It's about fortune telling, right? It's warned against in the Bible.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
It depends on what you use them for. Me, I'd use them for the fireplace. They're no good for anything else.
@GodSpeed63 I know. Do you read and follow every word of the bible?
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
I know.

@GodSpeed63 Do you read and follow every word of the bible?
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
What they are intended to be used for is satanic. Christians should have nothing to do with them beyond using them to light fires or put into landfills.
Carazaa · F
Exactly! It brings demons into our house we should burn them!@hippyjoe1955
JBird · F
Well, I am pretty sure you won't die or suffer in pain because you're just playing with pieces of papers.
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
If you are a practicing Christian then yes, it is forbidden in the bible as is selecting which bits of the religion you want to follow.
however we are granted free will, which is just as well when you consider the number of people with "Christian" tattoos.
Carazaa · F
You will not be ok without Jesus!
Carazaa · F
In Exodus 20 God promises to bless children of the Fathers who love Him to the 1000 generations and curse the children of the Fathers who hate him for 3 to 4 generationsI want my kids blessed! I am here because I love you and people here ! God isn’t kidding!
Johnblackthorn · 56-60, M
@Carazaa I get that god thinks he's serious and that you trust him, god an I have an understanding, we stay out of each others way.
I think it would all depend on intent.
It's not in the Bible because they hadn't even been invented then. But the Bible also says that if there is not a law in the Bible concerning it it is fine. Romans 4:15 Besides. They are just pieces of paper.
Carazaa · F
God says do not entertain divination!
When I went to church, they told us stuff like that was evil. It’s not Christian and doesn’t involve God and his infinite wisdom.
I am Christian and I have done tarot cards. Its frowned upon by most but I do not see an issue with it.
curiosi · 61-69, F
Most Christians will say it's wrong. Many don't realize much of the Bible is misunderstood.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
You mean what you just did was wrong! 😱

Good thing I'm a witch! 😈
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Carazaa Yet not everyones idea of change is a good change.

What is right for one is wrong for another. Such is the nature of all things.

Is it good to knock down one for the ideas of another? Not at all! Better to not judge others "least yea be judge"!
Carazaa · F
It is not good to judge people we need to love them and steer them in a direction that will bless them! I don’t judhmge people I do tell them what God says! I care about people and God tells us we must witness!
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Carazaa yet you keep on pushing! That IS judgement of others beliefs. And why I left those "ALL knowing" beliefs.

Have a good day! 😊 No need to reply since I won't!
NorthernRoses · 26-30, F
Nothing wrong with that. Spirituality and Religion are not the same, and doesn't necessarily cancel each other out.
Most Christians would say yes. They include that in "occult dabbling" which is apparently a no-no.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
I don't think one thing has anything to do with the other.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
No need to worry. Lightning is random.
Crazychick · 36-40, F
@Crazywaterspring What's that got to do with Tarot cards?
Don't think so.

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