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Krite · 41-45, F
People celebrate chrstmaa withoit knowing anything aboutbthe reason of Christmas.... So cards won't so anything

I’m an Atheist, and no, and also that’s an ignorant question.
TinyViolins · 31-35, M
Christmas isn't even a religious holiday. It was celebrated by pagans long before Jesus was even born. The winter solstice holiday just got co-opted by Christianity to make it about Christ, but there's nothing about Christmas in the Bible nor is there really anything Christian about trees, lights, and wrapped presents.

A hundred years ago, fundamental Christians were actively campaigning against Christmas because it was considered a secular holiday
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@newjaninev2 I didn't know that snippet of info! Very interesting!
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@Quizzical the Germans also believed that surrounding a newly-married bride’s bed with mistletoe would help her to become pregnant.
Social decorum means that these days a woman near mistletoe is merely kissed 😀
Quizzical · 46-50, M
@newjaninev2 I prefer the original 😏 lol

Actually, I've never even kissed under mistletoe 😭
They profit plenty from all holidays which are not their own. Atheists will steal anything. Since they lack a moral compass.
@CodeLyoko That is such a cop-out. Substandard. Childish thinking.
CodeLyoko · 16-17, M
@Anonymartyr Im the one with childish thinking?okay blaming your actions on other people and acting like your perfect and everyone else is the problem seems pretty childish to me
Miram · 31-35, F

I am so grateful that I lack the sort of a moral compass which dictates that everyone else lacks a moral compass. 😜

I am even more grateful that despite all what I went through and go through in life, I never look around and decide this is all there is to it. There is so much love I'd be missing out. You cannot be fully a vessel of love, thinking so low of those you give love to. Unless your love is limited by your suffering, this one is worthy, that one isn't.. Think about it.

There exists good as much as bad in all of us, and in all of our actions or lack of.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
Even though it sounds weird, Christmas is not Christian feast for most atheists or non-religious people. Just like with Easter, most people don't even know what is the original meaning behind certain rituals and traditions. Where I come from, these feasts involve both pagan and Christian rituals and most people simply don't care, they just enjoy the atmosphere, good food and joy.
nah, would prefer it to not have bible verses in it, but it's a nice gesture regardless I suppose. Unless the message written in it mentions converting to Christianity or some such. 😜

To me the holiday season around December is about togetherness and giving. I still celebrate Christmas, just not the religious aspect.
Miram · 31-35, F
we only celebrate Christmas because we like having sex with the trees.
@Miram It's the only way I know how.
Miram · 31-35, F
@SW-User We need Jesus.
@Miram That's why we put him on top of the tree, so he's there while we're going at it like the heathens we are. 🤔
Quizzical · 46-50, M
Not at all. It's nice that people are thinking of me.

I do however object when people ram Christmas down my throat and call me Scrooge for not celebrating it.
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JBird · F
If religious people can go to hospital and school to learn science, why can't atheists get cards? 😂😂😂
REMsleep · 41-45, F
@JBird hardy har. Plenty of religious people are in science. The two do not conflict
JBird · F
@REMsleep I never said they don't even when science don't prove that religion is true or essential. All I am asking, if religious people could participate in a non religious affairs, why can't atheists take part in religious affairs? The question seemed even more nonsense because Christmas is actually a pagan festival and some Christians don't even celebrate it.
PhilDeep · 51-55, M
I'm not an atheist, don't really celebrate Christmas and don't get offended if I get a card. Enjoyed many interesting comments on this post though 👍️
JohnOinger · 41-45, M
No Most Atheists Celebrate Christmas Even Though They Don't Believe in God & The Birth Of Christ
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@CodeLyoko perhaps I’m not on the mailing list? 😀
CodeLyoko · 16-17, M
@newjaninev2 Being with family and giving gifts. Just because alot of holidays are christain based doesnt mean only they can partake, just like easter its just a day to be with family and hid candy eggs for the kids
newjaninev2 · 56-60, F
@CodeLyoko Easter - another co-opted pagan festival 😀
Nanori · F
I don't care. it's just a gesture
Pfuzylogic · M
The term “Xmas” was used to take Christ out of Christmas and make it a purely commercial enterprise.
It doesn't bother me. Christmas is a winter festival.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
send them a popcorn tin filled with dirt instead... 😆
inflatablebimbo · 31-35, F
nope don't care!
Speedyman · 70-79, M
I know some people get offended by anything but I can’t understand anybody getting offended by someone wishing them well whatever their belief.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Can't answer for atheists, yet as wiccan that would be preferable.

We do celebrate the winter solstice which is not on Christmas!

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