@LadyGrace It is the New Testament that tells us that women should be covered in church, not speak in church and should not be ministers. And why disregard the Old Testament? If that is God's word, how can we just disregard it and say that doesn't count anymore?
Jesus actually said that heaven is within...meaning that heaven is within yourself. I think we can assume that hell is also within.
The guidelines are pretty clear. First of all, love God. Talk to Him all the time, and ask for His guidance and help. Develop an inner relationship with Him.
Try your very best to live your life without sin...because living clean like that keeps you away from most of the things that hurt you and make you feel horrible about yourself.
If you mess up, ask God for His forgiveness. He will always forgive you, if you ask.
The only people who will end up in hell are those who reject God's rescue plan. God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross in our place so we could receive forgiveness. Anyone can receive this forgiveness by surrendering their life to Him and accepting the amazing life He gives. He will fill your life with His love and joy and peace and receive you into heaven when you die
@TheWildEcho You have that right! I hope she doesn't listen to all these other ridiculous answers on here like Jesus isn't a Jew and that you have to work your way to heaven.
Our image of Hell was created by the Church long after Christ died. The Jews don't and never believed in it and Christ was a Jew. That should tell you all you need to know.
No, there is no hell. I’ve come to realize that belief in hell is inconsistent with belief in a loving God, and Bible Belt Christians’ continued use of it as a scare tactic to try to win converts is a big reason that smart non-believers don’t believe.
@StellaBlue The Bible says that we don't get to heaven by doing bad OR good works. It is strictly by grace, through faith . That's what the Scriptures say.