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fredmohar · 36-40, M
I live in Europe so the answer is yes
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@fredmohar As do I ...unlike Leftists in American who can make heartfelt and banal statements about a religious cult they know nothing about, have never experienced first hand and are not (immediately) threatened by...unless they are gays at a nightclub in Orlando or enjoying a Christmas party in San Bernardino.

JamesHanes · 26-30, M Best Comment
They kill more in the name of their ideals than any other group. So, to not be wary of them is pretty foolish. 🤷‍♂️
JamesHanes · 26-30, M
Thanks for that. @JamesHanes
Abrienda · 26-30, F
Yes ...and wrote a post celebrating it. Call it strange but I have a phobia about a cult that wishes to keep me from practicing my faith and is instructed to kill me if I don't...just saying, ya know?🤔
I do not fear anyone, but I agree with JamesHanes.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Theseus In fact it is not a "religion" at all but is actually a cult - the Cult of Mohammed. A second reading of the Koran (yeah and I call Beijing PEKING too) made that clear to me.

But what is fascinating is how Leftist/Atheists like Pikachu are so EAGER to defend Islam but NO OTHER "religion". I wonder if Mormons started murdering non-Mormons if they would be coming to their defense the same way. Of course not. They don't know or care about Islam so the reason they do is deeply insincere. Islam is the enemy of Western civilization and the Christianity that built it which the Left hates as well. So it is a case of not attacking the enemy of my enemy.
Theseus · 46-50, M
@Abrienda Bingo! And the left know they can attack Christianity because it is predicated on peace, compassion and forgiveness. They know we're more likely to turn the other cheek whereas, with Islam...well, we know what happens there.

In other words, leftists are, by and large, amoral cowards.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Theseus Moral and physical cowards. The newest Leftists troll here ComeradeChrist (disgusting) asked in reply to my post on anti-Semites and Israel what would I use against anti-Semites to stop them, bad language LOL? II replied no I am perfectly willing and able to use stronger remedies .,. and meant it.
Theseus · 46-50, M
Anyone who doesn't fear Islam is a nitwit!

One can be understood for not being repulsed by it (although I've no idea how anyone wouldn't), but to fear it is to exercise basic common sense.
Theseus · 46-50, M
@Thingschange4444 There is no such thing as "radical" Islam. Just ask the PM of Turkey.

Or ask any Muslim you know if THEY distinguish between "radical" and "moderate" Islam. Just ask any Muslim what s/he should do if they are ever confronted by anyone who speaks against Islam or its prophet.
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
@Theseus Yeh I know a few. They know I'm not religious. Ones my neighbour. The other/'s are hair dressers. Another I worked for. They have always been respectful honest and they themselves see MSM for what it is. Division. And Yeh sure there are radicals. And Yeh radical does exist. The people I know are far from that.
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Theseus OR is gay or Lesbian or left Islam for another religion. The penalty for both is death...period.
Pikachu ·
No. Because i recognize the difference between a religion and the people who use religion as a weapon.
Pikachu ·

Your personal experience is not EVERYONE's experience, yeah?
It hasn't been mine, certainly.

Is it curious? Bitch please.
I lived in the most multicultural city in the world and went to university there lol.
And no, they were friends i had in university. Like so many of those kinds of friends, they're now my facebook friends.
Not sure what point you thought you were making with that.

but one you wouldn't dare take with your Moslem "friends"

lol i don't know about wouldn't dare, but it's sort of a weird question to ask your friends.

Meanwhile I will search your posts to see if you afford Christians and Jews the same generosity of spirit you extend Moslems

Be my guest. If you find even one single post where i characterize the entire religion negatively then you can expect a full apology.

Curious how the moment you're contradicted you have to start attempting to invalidate the contradiction by questioning its authenticity.
You're straying dangerously close toa no true scotsman there, friendo😉

Again, sorry my answer didn't fit into your narrative.
Get over it.
Theseus · 46-50, M
Abrienda · 26-30, F
@Pikachu Stop thinking you are so important. If you are going to dispute what I write then you are going to get a reply, it's that simple, so YOU try getting over THAT!

Since you are completely incapable of responding concretely to any point I raise let me give you one more for you to fail at . ...every Moslem...EVERY Moslem including your imaginary Moslem friends want to the see the death of the state of Israel. Every. Single. One. So...ado you consider Israel (or those who have loved ones living in Israel) irrational and "prejudiced" while you remain oh so lily white and pure? The next time your imaginary Moslem friends drop by for tea why not ask them what they would like to see done with the Jewish state...and Jerusalem of course.

You see, you really just don't know what you are talking about, do you?

I don't mind at all being educated by someone with more experience or knowledge on a subject than I do...can you say the same? It seems not and are so pathetically ignorant but proud that you must create imaginary Moslem friends to save you having to be honest and admit it. But do continue refusing to listen to those who know more about something than you do and rush back into your intellectual echo chamber where you and your friends (real and imagined) hear only what you want to hear.

PS ~ It's obvious you did not understand the point of the "true" Scotsman story. Next time I will try something banal enough for you to comprehend.
MarineBob · 56-60, M
No just don't take your religion to work or out in public
Thingschange4444 · 56-60, M
No. There's good and bad in us all.
I fear their looney tunes belief system and all the damage and death they cause. In the end, they will lose and all burn in hell.
QueenPeach · 26-30, F
There’s actually people who are scared of Muslims 😮
Theseus · 46-50, M
@QueenPeach I'm not scared of Muslims per se, but their religion scares the shit out of me.

BTW, the question is not whether you fear Muslims. It's whether you fear Islam.
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Pikachu ·


Isn't that antisemitism?
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