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What would you think if you were cursed in such a way? [Spirituality & Religion]

I'm writing a story where my protagonist is cursed and it causes her to go blind. Her friend keeps telling to stay calm and still, but the blindness has her freaked out. Everytime she ignores her friend, she losses another sense. This continues, until, her hearing is the last sense to disappear. She's unable to comprehend the outside world. Unable to know if she's standing or sitting. All alone in her mind. She's eventually thrown back into reality when the curse is removed.
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Melpomene · 26-30, F
How is the curse removed?
If your protagonist lost all her senses so much that she's left unable to know if she's standing or sitting, what is the point of her as a protagonist? How was she cursed? Who helped her? When she gets back into reality, how does she react?
If I were cursed in such a way, I don't think I'd need to lose all senses to realise that and I sure wouldn't wait for something to happen to go back to normal or I'd adapt to new circumstances. Though I doubt I'd have someone to help me lift up the curse.
ZonkeyBalls · 46-50, M
I'd rather lose my hearing first, so I wouldn't be able to hear my sister nagging at me about my cleaning.

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