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Do you believe in a religion? Why? [Spirituality & Religion]

Do you feel the need for a religion? What kinda emotion does religion bring out in you?
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I don't believe in any religion -
although I practise Vipassana meditation and Buddhist ethics.
I find it interesting what people believe and why - the psychology of belief.
I love Sufi poetry, and reading comparative religion, history and archeology of belief,
and the philosophies of different cultures including Western.
I dislike fanaticism, extremism and evangelism of all kinds and do my best to avoid those who practise it.
LadyGrace · 70-79
No. Religions fail us every time. I follow no one but Christ, because my faith stems from Him...not man. Christian just means follower of Christ, not some religion, which is as He meant it to be.

Here’s the key. The determining factor of one's authentic faith relationship with God is not one's denomination, religious practice or performance in Christian disciplines, but rather the presence of the indwelling Spirit of Christ, upon confession of faith. As it is written, “if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. (Rom.8:9)
Peaches · F
I studied with many religions growing up and realized they all claim to be the "one and only?!" That was a turn off for me although I am a very spiritual person. ⭐So I no longer do structured religion anymore, I don't go to the churches. But I DO believe there is something greater than all the rest of us here out there. 🙏🏼 I pray for peace and healing of this planet all the time. I get a calming feeling when I do. 😌
Do I believe in a religion? No.

Do I feel the need for a religion? There probably isn't a "need" for anything but food, water, and shelter. Maybe some healthcare.

Still, I think religion has done a lot for us in terms of art, music, whatever. Enough people believe in a god/gods for it to make its mark on our world. If it weren't for religion, then things may not look like they do today. For example, countries founded because of religious persecution wouldn't exist.

I don't feel anything strong for religion. I'm not particularly passionate about it, but I understand that people hold it close to their hearts.
OKWTF2 · 51-55, M
It does come down to faith & personal decision.

When I had a crisis of my faith I believed that for the very short time I will be around in this world I will ultimately be a better human being, a person with true joy and happiness in my short life by being a person of faith and following my religion. Short answer, but addresses your question I think.

I have read other "holy" books and writings, even learned of other religions and don't take issue or have a problem with other beliefs, even if the belief is with no higher power. But for me, my joy in life and eternal happiness, is found in my religion and is EVERYTHING!

I've often wrote on this site, life is hard, brutal sometimes. Do what you choose to do and take responsibility for your choices.

I'm ok with mine when it comes to my relationship with God.
Zaphod42 · 51-55, M
I tried to believe...baptized and everything. But in a month or two I started thinking for my self again realized the bible is best held as a decent set of guidelines and parables rather than taken at face value.
ISeeYou · M
I do not feel a need for religion but don't judge who feel the need too. Each of us have mechanisms to manage our lows and gratitude, a religion is not the only answer.
Personally I like religion. It's very personal to me and I feel like it reinforces morality in me which is cool
dartlight · 31-35, M
@WittyKittyfeelinShitty But religion cannot be personalized, as most, if not all religions come with certain instructions and manuals
@dartlight yeah they do but you can personalise that to your own life and preferred ways of worship
I'm not religious, i believe it should actively be excluded from determining politics, education and science.
Ynotisay · M
I've just never had a need for religion. I know what's right and wrong and have no connection with the sort of 'group think' aspect of it. I also don't think humans are "special" in the grand scheme of things. It definitely brings out some emotions in me though. I don't care if someone prays to a rock as long as they're a good person. But I have a REAL hard time with hypocrisy and control. Especially when others are hurt by it.
Fernie · F
religion you mean do we believe in a god?
dartlight · 31-35, M
@Fernie Believeing in a God could be different, as everybody has their own definition of God. Believing in a religion is what I am interested in.
Fernie · F
@dartlight it's all toxic, mind controlling nonsense
MachiavellianSpirit · 26-30, F
I suppose for me it's the Pascal wager; having everything to gain and nothing to lose and vice versa (not that i adhere to the religion that he did). But if 90% can be observed, and 10% requires a leap of faith, i suppose that's a gamble i'm willing to take
dartlight · 31-35, M
@MachiavellianSpirit What 90% are you talking about?
MachiavellianSpirit · 26-30, F
Well depending on whatever religion or belief you ascribe to, there are certain claims it has which might be observable and others which aren't. Those that are observable are easy to believe in but the leap of faith would be to believe in the higher being that caused x,y,z to occur.
GodSpeed63 · 61-69, M
No. The only religion I believe in is not man made, it's found in James 1:27.
It's far more lucrative than believing in lettuce!!
@dartlight Well, as we all know, the spaghetti monster has a big following now and there are even t-shirts and mugs available!!
Peaches · F
@EugenieLaBorgia LOL!😄
@Peaches I like that!!
Nope and personally I don’t feel the need for a religion but I think society probably needs it ‘cause not all people are good at heart.. if religion didn’t exist and make people fear going to hell then there’d be a lot of chaos in the world indeed. I don’t support religion but maybe it’s there for a reason for certain people if you catch my drift
No. I don’t buy into any.
Too vague. Religion is a broad spectrum.
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
I believe that we are breathing the air from the farts of a tortiouse 🐢
dartlight · 31-35, M
@wakanda4eva Have I been breathing tortoxygen all this while? :O
wakanda4eva · 26-30, F
@dartlight yep xD I feel like I never specified that earth is implanted on the back of the tortiouse swimming slowly on the milky way 🌌😋
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