LadyGrace · 70-79
I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior on July 21, 1973. I am so happy to hear that you have accepted Jesus as your personal Savior. It may take some adjustment, because it is so different for you, however, it sounds like you may be trying too hard to please God if you’re feeling still earn your salvation. You don’t have to worry. God has already accepted you into his family. He will not go back on his word. We all, who love God, wish to please him, but it is the Holy Spirit that transforms us, not ourselves. We don’t love God because we have to. We love him because we want to and then it is not a struggle. It is done out of love for him. I’m sure you already know that, but was just noting that for those who may not know.
Accepting Jesus as my Saviour , was not a struggle, as I needed him so bad. I had made such a mess out of my life and had taken it for granted, wasting it. Yes, was a relief to do what I knew was right and allow Jesus to guide me to get my life straightened out again. I have never in my life been sorry I allowed Jesus into my heart and life. Some make the mistake of thinking that life is going to be a bed of roses and everything will go just perfectly when we accept Jesus as our Savior. However he did not come here to be a cosmic Genie and give us everything we want, when we want it. He gives us what we NEED, not what we may be selfish in wanting. He never promised things would be easy. And that’s not the way I would want it anyway, or any other Christian, because it is through the harder experiences that we learn and grow in Christ, as we learn to trust him to give us the strength to get us through. He does give us great joy and peace. As a new follower of Christ, I invite you to write anytime you like, as there are times he will need guidance and it is important that you don’t listen to those who don’t believe at all and only want to criticize. If what people tell you does not line up with God‘s word, then don’t listen. I’m sure many will tell you it is all a fairytale. The only one we need to listen to is God because he will not lead us astray. Keep your eyes on him. Know who you are and what you have in Christ. Satan will try to sway you away from God by doubts, through unbelievers. Don’t listen to that nonsense. This is when we can rest assured that God is, who he says he is. He has never disappointed me, let me down, or abandoned me. He is who he says he is and that is who we stand up for. Please always feel free to ask me questions if in doubt of anything. That is what we are here for, to help each other. Congratulations on your new life in Christ!
Accepting Jesus as my Saviour , was not a struggle, as I needed him so bad. I had made such a mess out of my life and had taken it for granted, wasting it. Yes, was a relief to do what I knew was right and allow Jesus to guide me to get my life straightened out again. I have never in my life been sorry I allowed Jesus into my heart and life. Some make the mistake of thinking that life is going to be a bed of roses and everything will go just perfectly when we accept Jesus as our Savior. However he did not come here to be a cosmic Genie and give us everything we want, when we want it. He gives us what we NEED, not what we may be selfish in wanting. He never promised things would be easy. And that’s not the way I would want it anyway, or any other Christian, because it is through the harder experiences that we learn and grow in Christ, as we learn to trust him to give us the strength to get us through. He does give us great joy and peace. As a new follower of Christ, I invite you to write anytime you like, as there are times he will need guidance and it is important that you don’t listen to those who don’t believe at all and only want to criticize. If what people tell you does not line up with God‘s word, then don’t listen. I’m sure many will tell you it is all a fairytale. The only one we need to listen to is God because he will not lead us astray. Keep your eyes on him. Know who you are and what you have in Christ. Satan will try to sway you away from God by doubts, through unbelievers. Don’t listen to that nonsense. This is when we can rest assured that God is, who he says he is. He has never disappointed me, let me down, or abandoned me. He is who he says he is and that is who we stand up for. Please always feel free to ask me questions if in doubt of anything. That is what we are here for, to help each other. Congratulations on your new life in Christ!
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LadyGrace · 70-79
@triangless Oh, thank you. It sounds like you really love Jesus. I know you do. I can tell already from your words and your spirit. I cannot tell you how happy I am for you. Never hesitate to visit with me or talk to me about anything. I’m always here for you.
I used to run away from problems like crazy and try to fix everything in my life, myself. We just cannot do that in our own strength. That is not exercising our faith. God does not need our help. Ha ha ha He knows exactly where we are going and what is best for us, as he can see our future and where we are headed.
Religion is nothing but man-made philosophy. Religion did not die on the cross for us. Jesus did. It is a personal decision and commitment. I love what you said about not having to walk alone in this life. You got that so right. With Jesus, we are never alone and he never abandons us. I am so grateful for that.
I figure it this way. God gave His very best for me. How could I give him less? He literally saved my life. God bless you! 🌹❤🤗👆
I used to run away from problems like crazy and try to fix everything in my life, myself. We just cannot do that in our own strength. That is not exercising our faith. God does not need our help. Ha ha ha He knows exactly where we are going and what is best for us, as he can see our future and where we are headed.
Religion is nothing but man-made philosophy. Religion did not die on the cross for us. Jesus did. It is a personal decision and commitment. I love what you said about not having to walk alone in this life. You got that so right. With Jesus, we are never alone and he never abandons us. I am so grateful for that.
I figure it this way. God gave His very best for me. How could I give him less? He literally saved my life. God bless you! 🌹❤🤗👆
triangless · 31-35, F
@LadyGrace You are so kind and speak from my soul! I wish I had the right words to respond, but it really just means so much to me.
LadyGrace · 70-79
I have to laugh... not at you, but because you have no idea how you just lifted me up. Ha ha ha You had Exactly the right words! 😊👍
ladycae · 100+, F
the child part is familiar. you feel like you have so very much to learn and everyone else is miles ahead of you. but in his word God told us we would feel like children and have to dine on the milk of the word before we were ready for the meat of the word. and that's ok. i would start on the gospel of John. read through that and really think about it. from there God will lead you.. i also remember a feeling of relief and happiness. finally, something made sense to me. finally, i belonged. Many here will try to tell you that you are a fool. they will say your believing in fairy tales. just close you ears to all but God's voice inside of you and you can't go wrong. i accepted christ when i was 13, then rededicated my soul at 18 because i had decided there was no God. after a Car accident. but he had other ideas lol and i'm so glad he did

I can hear the heavens at I gave my life to Jesus when I was 21. Wasn't easy at first due to the lack of knowledge. Almost feel like I was living to be religious at first.

@LadyGrace no need to worry about my username. I make up usernames every month
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User I understand, and I’m not trying to be rude or anything, but I am concerned about your user name, because if we are followers of God, what we say and do reflects on Jesus, and that is important. Everything we do reflects on Jesus and we do not want to be bad examples causing people to turn away from Him. We are representatives of a Holy God. He said not to be a stumbling block to someone and I feel your username does not represent or reflect well on Him or speak well for your commitment. In other words, do you think that your username reflects your commitment to Christ? Do you think he would approve of that? We are not only to talk the talk, but walk the walk. Can people tell the difference in your life? That is very important to Jesus, as he said to be a good example.

@LadyGrace this is a dumb website. I use dumb usernames and everybody is different in God's Children.
Maybe I'm too young for you to at least understand or whatever.
Besides...username is just a username. If anyone haves a problem, oh well
Just passing by while users either make a fuss about it or whatever they say
Maybe I'm too young for you to at least understand or whatever.
Besides...username is just a username. If anyone haves a problem, oh well
Just passing by while users either make a fuss about it or whatever they say
purplepen · 51-55, F
When I was a few years old. It was what made most sense, and I knew He was real. He gave me peace.
triangless · 31-35, F
@purplepen you are lucky to have learned that young :)
I was very young maybe 6 or 7 but just in time for some serious trials.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SomeLikeItHot Yes we can expect trials. That is how we learn and grow in Christ. I used to run from them, but not anymore. I realize they are to help me learn and grow.
I was grateful I had God in my life to get through that rough time!
I was grateful I had God in my life to get through that rough time!
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SomeLikeItHot Oh my.....Me too, honey! I don’t believe I would be here today.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
I was brought up a christian and would say I became a devout, committed christian in my early to mid teens. I read the bible earnestly and it was then that I began to doubt it. After a few years, I realized it was all a con. Getting out wasn't easy, I came under a lot of pressure from other christians I had thought of as friends but who had suddenly become bitter enemies. I did manage to escape though. I just hope you don't find yourself going through what I did.
Not yet...but soon

10 years ago in January 2008, when I was going through a very tough try trial that I had caused myself due to being stupid and immature. It was one of the darkest times of my life and I realized the only way to get through it was to get serious about God.
LadyGrace · 70-79
@SW-User I commend you for following Christ and accepting him as your personal Savior. Your salvation experience sounds so much like mine. I was very stupid and immature. Also the darkest time in my life. But Jesus sure turned it around for me for the best, as I allowed the Holy Spirit to transform me. I’ve never been sorry and I would do it all over again because he is so worth it. Many have such a misconstrued conception of what following Christ really means, and what it is. Congratulations on your decision in 2008 and new birth at that time. I’m so happy that like me, you found Him just in time. It’s so important to read our Bible and stay close to God. He gives us such strength through his word and helps us grow through the leading of his Spirit.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Religion was invented by some guys who want you to feel bad about being human so you will give them your money and let them tell you what to do so they don't have to work for a living. Religion is evil. It hurts everyone. Especially the religious.
@SomeLikeItHot Religion created the idea of good and evil. It defines it. You can't call religion evil when it created the term as the opposite of what religion is
God created all.
Religon is the term that people that don't believe in God use to describe what they don't understand.
God created all.
Religon is the term that people that don't believe in God use to describe what they don't understand.
@SomeLikeItHot Elaborate for me...

Never have.
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