StevenIzzi · M
I went to 2 and realized they were fakes....
The first one did not see the punch I assume he was not that psychic.
And the 2nd was def a fake as she actually took my check.
The first one did not see the punch I assume he was not that psychic.
And the 2nd was def a fake as she actually took my check.

SageWanderer · 70-79, M
I have never been to one but was interviewed once by one.

Memike · 31-35, M
@SW-User was it a good reading

It was pretty depressing actually no good news
Memike · 31-35, M
@SW-User oh no
Wishfulsoul · 41-45, F
My sister and I got our nan a reading once, more medium than psychic. My nan used to believe in this stuff, when she was young she lodged with a medium, she told us lots of odd things would happen in the house like coats flying off their hooks. The medium we saw she seemed okay, actually for some reason she kept focusing on my life, she predicted a few things true, dont take it seriously though, there are a lot of charlatans. I think you have to not put value on what they say, you need to live your life the way you would, if what they say is true it can be a surprise.
Eddiesolds · 61-69, M
Nah i couldn't.
purplepen · 51-55, F
No, they usually come to me. I told them I was taking one day at a time because sufficient into the day is the evil thereof.
TheRascallyOne · 31-35, M
No would be cool though

No I'm stupid and fall for lies way to easy. Just ask all my ex's