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Marmaduke · 51-55, M
So-called Satanists are atheists mocking Catholicism. They view the Bible as a work of fiction and identify with the character called devil and satan. The Church of Satan is part fan-club of that character and part satire of Catholicism. It's a joke religion, like Pastafarianism.

And their views of science and the human condition match that of many other atheists? Good god almighty! What's the next news flash? Fire is hot?

BTW, Darwin was a Christian. The concept of so-called social Darwinism has nothing to do with him or his theories, people just appropriated his name.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Firechidist So because something contradicts your religion it must be false?
@Firechidist [youtube=]
Marmaduke · 51-55, M
So all the folks at Comic-Con and on various message boards, as well as several people I've met irl, really do believe in Thor, Wonder Woman, Klingons, Darth Vader, etc? Satanists are just another kind of ocd nerd.

Shutterbug · 56-60, M
Religion is the opium of the was designed for the sole purpose of manipulating and controlling the masses....
Firechidist · 26-30, F
@BetweenKittensandRiots You just told me that you hate Jesus Christ. It doesn't matter if he loves you, you hate Him and will kill him AGAIN if he comes back again. Are you sure thats you speaking and not a demon? Because theres no way you could of killed Jesus 2000 years ago. Before you were even born. And yet you say you are an atheist who believes in evolution? You sound more like the Antichrist. You are a liar. You are like your spiritual father Satan. For has been lying and murderering from the beginning. You hate the truth and you hate the light of Jesus Christ because He accuses you of evil

Like The Bible says The sinful nature is hostile to God and it can never obey God.

The name of YHWH means in the Hebrew. I Am The Am or I Will Be Who I Will Be. Satan means the Oposser. He is an Oposser to God and His People. Yahweh never meant Satan
@Firechidist [youtube=]
Firechidist · 26-30, F
@Shutterbug Quoting Karl Marx another Freemason. That's just opinion not fact
Graylight · 51-55, F
Darwin was a medical doctor, a natural philosopher, slave abolitionist, poet and member of the lunar Society in addition of being a freemason. Freemasonry, incidentally, does not have its roots in the occult or Satanism.

Evolution takes no will away from us that free will doesn't also remove. In this world - creationism or evolution - the human being is free to act of his own volition. Yup. life, adaptation and evolution are difficult and fraught with battle for survival. So ever posited that wasn't a godly way to walk. This world is competition, tests and struggle.

As for why evolution is "pushed" in school, well, it's fact. Scientific, observable, recordable, repeatable fact.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Evolution can still be studied with controlled experiments in, say, a laboratory setting. Using organisms with short life spans, such as bacteria or flies, scientists can actually observe evolution over the course of an experiment.

One example you're probably familiar with: antibiotic resistance.

Antibiotic resistance evolves via natural selection of random mutation. After exposure to one or more antibiotics, some subpopulations of microorganisms are able to survive, spawning the nickname "superbugs."

It's the reason doctors are constantly having to develop new antibiotics — and a direct consequence of evolution via natural selection. It's the reason doctors are constantly having to develop new antibiotics — and a direct consequence of evolution via natural selection.

With that in mind, says Marcus Kronforst, Ph.D., assistant professor of ecology and evolution at the University of Chicago, it's important to always take the full course of antibiotics you're prescribed. Stopping antibiotics early kills some, but not all, the bacteria, which generates natural selection for superbugs.

You should also stray from taking antibiotics for the cold or flu, says Kronforst. The cold are flu are both viral infections, and unnecessary use of antibiotics is the root cause for all types of
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Evolution is observable and testable. The confusion here is that people think science is limited to experiments in laboratories by white-coated technicians. In fact, a large amount of scientific information is gathered from the real world. Astronomers can obviously not physically touch the objects they study (for example stars and galaxies), yet a great deal of knowledge can be gained through multiple lines of study. This is true also of evolution. It is also true that there are many mechanisms of evolution that can be, and are studied through direct experimentation as with other sciences.
suzie1960 · 61-69, F
Which is why its still a theory not a scientific fact...
You'd do well to first learn what is meant by the term "scientific theory".
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
On the other hand, one could draw up an extremely long list of examples of people appealing to religion to justify immoral behaviour, from slavery and racism to suicide bombings and genocide. This kind of exercise proves little, though.

A better way of assessing the effects of embracing evolution is to compare countries with different levels of acceptance. Countries where higher numbers of people accept evolution have lower rates of murders, sexually transmitted diseases, teenage pregnancies and so on. In fact, more secular societies are healthier in almost every regard, one 2005 study (pdf) concluded.

This kind of crude correlation does not prove accepting evolution actually promotes moral behaviour, nor that religion promotes immoral behaviour. Indeed, other studies suggest the issue is far more complex.

But it does prove accepting evolution does not immediately lead to the breakdown of society, as some creationists claim.

Those who dismiss evolution as immoral often assume that religion is crucial to morality. As in: “People who believe in evolution have no basis for a moral code, other than the preeminent concern to pass on one’s genetic inheritance.”

In fact, there is growing evidence that we have an innate moral sense – that morality is something that evolved, in other words. This may seem surprising to those for whom the phrase “survival of the fittest” conjures up images of lions ripping each other to shreds and stags clashing antlers. But “the fittest” can mean the cleverest, the sneakiest, the best camouflaged, the least aggressive, the most attractive – or the least selfish.

Natural selection can favour altruism and fair play in certain circumstances. Behaviours such as loyalty to kin, intolerance of theft and punishment of cheats – the roots of morality – can be seen in many of our primate cousins.
TheMorningsStar · 26-30, M
Oh come on. I am a theist and even I accept the Theory of Evolution as the most likely interpretation for how we physically got here.

I mean, the amount of evidence for the theory is astounding.
Graciebaby · F
@TheMorningsStar I totaly agree, however is the Earth flat?
That's soo important.
Darwin was horrified at what people did with his theory.

it was herbert spencer who invented the philosophy of social darwinism. Not Charles Darwin.

They believed in tooth and claw and that the government shouldn't Do anything to alleviate poverty.

Evolutionist aren't necessarily Social Darwinist or Satanist. I accept the theory of evolution and I'm a Socialist. I hate Ayn Rand and the Satanic world view.
MethDozer · M
@BetweenKittensandRiots Social darwinism is a good thing and Ayn Rand was right.
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
He has a good point. I find Anton Lavey's writings more agreeable than the bible. mainly because it doesn't Demand anything from me. No worship whatsoever even "Satan"
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Graciebaby You should be careful when calling people idiots. Christianity is the cause of child witch hunts in Africa today. Set up by Christian fringe groups here in the U.S. and some of Africa's own preachers who have been banned from the U.K due to worries they'll kill children over there like they do in Africa.

Christian preachers use the excuse that the child is to blame for whatever ill cause in the family, they then charge a certain amount. Usually children never get "exorcised" so they are either exiled or killed.

Thinking back on it those must be the sacrifices to your God.
NeloAngelo · 26-30, M
@Graciebaby u haven't read the satanic bible have you? Mind u the only religious paedophiles u see are in the Catholic church. Quite a lot haven't even been prosecuted just relocated to another church.Anton Lavey the author teaches a doctrine that is about worhiping yourself and the human race. Not a God or devil. Doing the thing that make you happy unless it keeps others from doing the same. And while it's not all good the bible has many passeges that are extremely terrible And also really good.

Before u respond to me with preachy reverence or bible quotes or wild superstitoons started in the church at least read Laveys writings or u just come across as a lunatic.
Graciebaby · F
@NeloAngelo your point being?💋
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
"Satanism is a blatantly selfish, brutal philosophy. It is based on the belief that human beings are inherently selfish, violent creatures, that life is a Darwinian struggle for survival of the fittest, that only the strong survive and the earth will be ruled by those who fight to win the ceaseless competition that exists in all jungles - including those of urbanized society. Abhor this brutal outlook if you will; it is based, as it has been for centuries, on real conditions that exist in the world we inhabit rather than the mystical lands of milk and honey depicted in the Christian Bible." Direct quote from an ignorant fucktard.
Firechidist · 26-30, F
@Thevy29 You mean Anton Levey? That's what He wrote in his Book not me
Thevy29 · 41-45, M
Guilt by association seeing how you chose to quote it yourself.@Firechidist
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
It's unbelievable that people deny what we have known for thousands of years. The traits of the parents get passed on to the children. We know it to be so true that we divide our own species into "races", based on the features of our parents. This process has in fact produced dramatic changes in creatures. Unless you think bulldogs bred their own heads to be so big that they can't reproduce without a C-section.
Firechidist · 26-30, F
@Xuan12 Have you proven my ancestors are apes? Yeah where does that show in my DNA? Remember DNA cannot create new information. Proving evolution is false. Evolution is only hundreds years old. Its only been accepted as fact because we've been indoctrinated to believe so through public education system not because of actual observable evidence.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Firechidist Actually, new information can be encoded into DNA. Small mutations occur all the time. Most are ineffectual, but not all. And over 96% of your and every other human's DNA is common to Chimpanzees and Bonobos as well. And it makes sense. We do have much in common with them physically. The same general body shape, dietary abilities, immune systems, visual abilities, opposable thumbs, communal living patterns, etc. That's one reason why it's actually quite dangerous to eat the meat of those creatures, the similarity means that they often carry similar diseases and parasites, and even a heightened risk of prion diseases. If the two don't strike you as being related, I suppose you'd also have to say that dogs and foxes aren't related, eagles and hawks aren't related, all the fish aren't related, tortoises and turtles aren't related, indeed, you'd have to abandon any notion of relatedness between such creatures. Zebras and horses? Not related. Brown Bears and Black bears? Humans and Neanderthals, not related, even though many of us carry a bit of Neanderthal DNA as well. So then why? Why oh why would there be so many similar, but unrelated creatures?
Firechidist · 26-30, F
It has been interesting. But I'm no longer going to argue or debate with people here who want me to believe evolution is a scientific fact. Until you show me fossil evidence of one species evolving into another or that DNA can create new information. Do not bother arguing with me. You will not change my mind. My post was about the theory of evolution being satanic and that it that it was created by a Freemason for neferious purposes. If you don't want to talk about this. Then leave
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
@Firechidist By research you mean most likely specifically creationist websites talking about evolution. If you had done your research you wouldn't spout off mostly religious one sided viewpoints.

Oh you think I'm here to convince you? I put it up for other people because debating you is like debating "all" biblical literalists. Which is my right to do so.
Xuan12 · 31-35, M
@Firechidist Actually evolution has been witnessed at the University of Michigan. A strain of Escherichia coli successfully developed a new ability, the ability to eat citrate in addition to glucose, an ability that even other colonies of Escherichia coli do not possess. Where did they get it? Their ancestors couldn't do it, unless they were voluntarily choosing not to eat citrate for generations. And none of the related colonies has it. Interesting indeed.
@Firechidist [youtube=]
Graciebaby · F
I kinda understand what that article is saying, yet Satanists are not necessarily Darwinists and Darwinists aren't necessarily Satanists.

Darwins theories makes perfect sence to me, however I would have nothing to do wiv Freemasonry or those sick Satanists fukka's.
"survival of the fittest" is a sociological outlook. It is prescriptive not descriptive. Evolution teaches that the FIT survives. It's descriptive not perspective.
I don’t think I care. However, after further pondering I think this is an interesting discussion. I confess.

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