StevetheSleeve · 31-35, M
I suppose I should clean the bathroom just in case the guy's right.
Serenitree · F
Oh, geez. Really? And here I've been refusing to listen to all the leaflet people hanging out on the corners yelling about how
A) Jesus is coming...I guess he lost his way, because he's still not arrived.
B) The world is ending in 17 days and 22 hours and 13 minutes so we should start appreciating it now while we have the chance, and they try to give me a leaflet.
C) Satan has my soul in his grasp and if I don't come to Jesus this second, I'm's your leaflet.
I will remember, from now on, to accept those priceless missives
A) Jesus is coming...I guess he lost his way, because he's still not arrived.
B) The world is ending in 17 days and 22 hours and 13 minutes so we should start appreciating it now while we have the chance, and they try to give me a leaflet.
C) Satan has my soul in his grasp and if I don't come to Jesus this second, I'm's your leaflet.
I will remember, from now on, to accept those priceless missives
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Serenitree · F
@primavera I wonder why that happens! Oh, maybe for the same reason a colon with a bracket turns into a smile? :)
Yup. That seems to be it.
Yup. That seems to be it.
Serenitree · F
Degbeme · 70-79, M
@Serenitree Now you are talking. 🤤
popmol · 26-30, M
indeed leaflet people are trustfully
Lackwittyname · M
Oh wow, glad I cleaned the bathroom, that would be embarrassing
Degbeme · 70-79, M
Should I drink my coffee quickly, just in case? 🤔
Socialclutz · 36-40, M
I have no leaflets, I have no faith. I cannot deny though a longing to accept Christianity into my life though. Not sure why... 🤔
sighmeupforthat · 46-50, M
jesus is already here..
matter of fact, several.
has he ever been in mexico? there's tons there.
matter of fact, several.
has he ever been in mexico? there's tons there.
But my tio Jesus is already here....
diablo · 51-55, M
This is all that needs to be said...


Serenitree · F
Life is a series of bugs in your beer and dogs who climb trees.
There! It is written! It must be true!
And you never knew I was a proselytizer
There! It is written! It must be true!
And you never knew I was a proselytizer

LostinPlace · 26-30, M
Count me prepared

NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
Will he arrive in time to stop the next war?
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@primavera Was there a phone number or website for more information? I wonder what Jesus will think about things like that when he sees them?
primavera · 26-30, F
@NankerPhelge There was a phone number but I always thought Jesus just used prayer. Not the phone
NankerPhelge · 61-69, M
@primavera I meant so that we could use it to find out more info. It wouldn't be Jesus himself answering, it would be one of his disciples.

Smite the Unbelievers with Explanatory Pamphlets!
Deadcutie · 18-21, F
He is, but a lot of shit has to go down first, you have at minimum 10 years , so don't fret it unless you live in the states