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The False Leaders that you chose will all Fall!! [Spirituality & Religion]

They will all fall first. Shortly after you will all tear each other apart and i will lead my family to Eden's Gate.

Prepare youselves for It is Coming!!
464 days
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Is there a comet that is going to swing close to earth you are planning on hitching a ride on or something? Is this one of those suicide cult thingies? Will we perhaps be reading about your adventure on the news?
BlueMetalChick26-30, F
@CesareBorgia Suicide cults, lol, a la Jim Jones.
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
I am the key to Eden's Gate and The path will be revealed in 464 days to me. There is no comets or suicide "thingies".

Jim Jones was a false Prophet
@FatherJOSEPH Ah, a key to Eden's Gate, like a secret squirrel decoder ring or something? Did you find it in a gumball machine?
BlueMetalChick26-30, F
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
gumball machine? its nice to have a sense of humour. a nice quality to have, sadly it wont stop you from rotting
BlueMetalChick26-30, F
@FatherJOSEPH Nothing will stop you from rotting, nor will it stop me. The law of entropy is absolute. Not even gravity can oppose it.
@FatherJOSEPH @BlueMetalChick Do you know about the God Entropy? He's a jealous God, filled with vengeance and rage. He takes revenge on all who oppose him and continues to rage against his enemies!
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
@CesareBorgia don't believe everything you hear.
@FatherJOSEPH What about everything you read? What if I read that, and I believe everything I read? Will God skip over giving me a super secret squirrel decoder ring? Will I miss the comet?
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
With that empty head you have, I am positive you miss a lot.
@FatherJOSEPH Entropy will knock on your door in 463 days, you are fucked. I read that somewhere, just passing along the message. You're welcome.
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
so blind and misguided
@FatherJOSEPH By the way, just curious, but what is your particular god's name?
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
keep being curious. There is only one god and you are not fit to speak his name.
No actually... There are lots of Gods, as a matter of fact, the longest religion which still exists today has many gods, and I'm fairly certain that that religion was using the word god long before your religion. So did your god abscond the name "god" stealing the word from the very people who dreamed it up to describe all their many gods?
BlueMetalChick26-30, F
@CesareBorgia Would that be Hinduism?
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
There is only one God. The others are false idiotic stories that the weak minded ate all up. Open your eyes
BlueMetalChick26-30, F
@FatherJOSEPH My eyes are open. And I don't see any gods hanging around...
@BlueMetalChick Yes it would be!
@FatherJOSEPH There are many gods, all kinds of just about every reason humans could dream of. If your god is telling you otherwise, maybe your god is a liar. Maybe your god is actually the god of LIES, telling you cute little bedtime stories, hiding secret squirrel decoder rings under your pillow, describing this eden you seem to think exists, brainwashing you when you are half awake. I think perhaps you must be a devil worshiper :::gasp::: after all you have only spoken lies, and are telling wildly fantastical stories that have absolutely no basis in reality. And yet, you truly seem to believe them.
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
@CesareBorgia have you ever seen or heard from these gods? no because they are not real. I hear my God almost daily and I am serving my purpose
@FatherJOSEPH If you are hearing voices, that is a mental issue not a god. You should seek professional help, all joking aside.

No god is going to choose you, out of billions of other human beings, to be his mouth for them. Ask yourself this question, if there is a god as you persist why wouldn't that god talk to other people anywhere else in the world where Christianity is not practiced?

It makes no sense, no logical sense... You are utterly delusional
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
I'm not hearing voices. I hear only one and I am chosen because that is my path, my destiny. I do not seek help. I help others not the other way around.
You do not know gods plan, you can not say what he will or will not do. I can tell you no one was chosen who practise in Christianity because that is all a nonsense religion. I am not delusional, I am clear minded and pure
@FatherJOSEPH If you think a god is talking to you, and has chosen you above literally billions of others you are absolutely out of your mind without any doubts.

You don't know god's plan, you cannot say what he OR she will or will not do. Specially considering that we cannot know if any god truly exists. You are delusional, the sooner you realize this fact the sooner you can be on your way to becoming mentally more stable, perhaps even healthy.
FatherJOSEPH36-40, M
I don't think God is talking to me, I know it. I was chosen and I'm sure others will show their jealous nature over it but I am The Father and in the end I will be Followed, willingly or not.
I know god's plan. I know when the end is coming and how it will end. I will purify the chosen and we will march to Eden's gate while the rest of humanity burn.