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can people please not speak to me when i have my headphones in? It's annoying trying to listen to music and having to pause every 5 seconds

I have to pause and go huh what huh because someone keeps trying to talk to me when im trying to listen to music and remove stress from my body. God I don't talk whenever youre on the phone speaking and i leave you alone with your headphones in but if i listen to music with heaphones on good god everyone wants to speak to me
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Give them the stop hand signal 😅
Especially people you don't know from Adam on the street when walking or even running, to me it's lack of respect.
Ducky · 31-35, F
Man, do I hate that too! Especially when you’re a crazy music lover like me. Then, if it happens enough times, it gets to a point where you don’t even want to listen to music anymore because you’re not enjoying it and are too pissed off to enjoy it now anyway. Thus ruining your mood. 💢
scabs · 51-55, T
@Ducky I usually just take my headphones off and stare at them hard until they get the idea but yeah i agree it ruins the music and makes me not want to listen anymore

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