MommyLucy · 36-40, F
I prefer more chocolate and less sugar! 😂😂😂 I read somewhere last year online the reason British chocolate is WAY nicer than our American chocolate is by law in America a chocolate bar only has to contain 10% chocolate to be considered a chocolate bar and as a result to save money we often use less chocolate and more sugar but in the UK I read a chocolate needs 20% to be considered a chocolate bar so more chocolate in Britain and less sugar! 😁😁😁 I also believe chocolate has a tiny bit more nutritional value than sugar (I could be wrong though) still should be a treat but I rather more gooey chocolate and less sugar! 🤭🤭🤭
😯. .. what's it mean? what's it mean?!?
Glossy · F
No one ever thought it was about sugar.
The Archies were quite subtle as well ;) [media=]