In the midst of women losing their rights, Tupac's words here are still LOUD
"you know what makes me unhappy? When brothas make babies, & leave a young mother to be a pappy.
Since we all came from a woman, got our game from a woman, & our name from a woman.
I wonder why take from our women, why we rape our women. Do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women. Time to heal our women... be real to our women.
'cause if we don't we'll have a race of babies, that'll hate the ladies, who make the babies.
& Since a man can't make one, he has no right to tell a woman when & where to create one."
Since we all came from a woman, got our game from a woman, & our name from a woman.
I wonder why take from our women, why we rape our women. Do we hate our women?
I think it's time to kill for our women. Time to heal our women... be real to our women.
'cause if we don't we'll have a race of babies, that'll hate the ladies, who make the babies.
& Since a man can't make one, he has no right to tell a woman when & where to create one."