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Why do men always have such a big ego to think that a woman is automatically going to be interested in them?

I got so many messages since I joined from guys who without having talked to me pretended like I would immediately be interested in them.

Then they say " you're very pretty but I noticed you're <<insert negative feature>> and I'm very traditional ".
And then they turn you down in that same monologue, as if they were having a conversation with you while you were not there.
I have noticed this quite often.

"You're hot but you live too far" , for example.

That is so weird.

Like , I don't even know you , never saw you.
Why would you think I would be interested in you?
You messaged me and made the assumption that I was going to be interested.
For all I know I could be way out of your league.

Why are men always so self-confident that even very unattractive men are so self-confident that they have the guts to message women who may not even be interested in them and who may be way out of their league?

That is not meant in a mean way but I notice that even attractive women will always doubt ourselves and always feel like we're never enough , whereas men , even the ones who should lower their standards, are always so confident in themselves.

It's almost ironic.

Is this something in the male brain structure , that guys are self-confident enough to go for women who are looks-wise much higher on the ladder than them, while women will always feel self-conscious , even when she's very attractive?

Is it something evolutionary?

Really trying to understand this.
I honestly would read a Ph.D study about this :D

Would love some healthy debate :-)
Healthy but polite.
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TheOrionbeltseeker · 36-40, M
Answer lies in Women are tamed since their childhood and men are released free. More freedom than women in every respect. When they grow up, that grows into confidence.

For example - Observe the younger sister in a family. She has more rights while growing up and she is more confident than the elder sister. Same way, confidence is nothing but how you got treated as a child.
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@TheOrionbeltseeker I agree.
Ego is nurture rather than nature.
Ego is the product of your environment.
Well put into perspective :)
MySpiritEvolves · 36-40
Yeah... Men have been the dominant sex since King Tut. They believe they are superior and many understand that finding what they want is a numbers game. Send 100 messages you will find one with low enough standards.

It's really quite sad honestly. That's just the men's side of the situation. Women are more messed up by this patriarchal society model.
A lot of times woman can sense that men aren't sincere and are just trying so they will dismiss them because they don't want to deal with it. A lot of guys don't see it but often hit on any woman or just because they get the open vibe. @MySpiritEvolves
This is normal for many guys. They don't have anything to offer other than chat and flirt but feel justified because they are horny but that's biology. But often feel woman owe them which equates to I only want sex. Woman know this. They can sense the insincerity.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M
It's hard to find intelligent conversation in this place, but there are some here who actually converse in a meaningful way.
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@SmoothKnight Oh but it wasn't meant to criticise this place actually.
It was truly meant as a debate on the observations of human behavior.
SmoothKnight · 51-55, M

Fair enough 👍
PDXNative1986 · 36-40, MVIP
My experiences have lead me to discount the very notion that leagues even exist.

Have the courage of your convictions and chase what you actually want and you might find that courage favors the bold. I have. The whole notion that some people feel out of ours- it's nice that you have confidence but have you considered the possibility that you might have gone over board?

more and more it feels like only the Conceited believe in this notion.
Melpomene · 26-30, F
They were loved so they feel confident they deserve someone they want whereas women are more often criticized for looks/behaviour/what they did or didn't do so they always second guess themselves?
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@Melpomene Makes sense! Thank you for your insightful reply.
This hits home.
Doubting yourself because you are more often judged etc.
It's wishful thinking. They also likely don't understand woman.
On here people like to fuck around with others' head. If that's what it is, I'd ignore it. @BreakfastGirl
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@Spoiledbrat Those answers make a lot of sense!
Love the thoughtful brainstorm and with how much serenity and integrity this topic is treated.
That's how healthy debates are held :-)
MrAverage1965 · 61-69, M
@Spoiledbrat I think that men's brains are so fundamentally different to women's they are never likely to understand women and vice versa.
caPnAhab · 26-30, M
@SkeetSkeet misplaced confidence for whatever reason

Maybe they have not beem humbled enough
They may be asking you to convince them otherwise.
I'd marry you but my alt accounts disapprove of this post.
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@SW-User Your alt accounts? You have one for every person living in your head? :-p
* Just joking *
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
Not all men are like this, but yes there does seem to be an air of confidence and entitlement that has probably been encouraged by millennia of sexual dominance.
sarahcupcake · 36-40, F
I think over-confident males are to be avoided at all costs. But that is just my own personal opinion
I'm not interested in you
cuhraiZ · 46-50, F
That's an excellent observation.
I've run across that in the way they'll rattle off questions as if this is a dating site. Checking on whether I'm worthy of their time.
They're either extremely put off or treat me like I'M the idiot when I inform them I agreed to chat, not go out with them, since this isn't a dating site.
Fluffybull · F
I've got more things to think about than over-analysing idiots. I block and move on 👍😊
BreakfastGirl · 36-40, F
@Fluffybull I find human behavior too interesting to move on haha.
I'm seeing a potential Clinical Trial in those idiots :-p

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