Only 3 of my coworkers know I am here and all three I trust with my life. In fact, I am trying to get one to sign up...which might not be a good idea because he is something else to most people but me.
I just have to worry about one person that isn't a coworker doing that to me😒
Condensing my reply to go with the flow while letting it rip upon them. I swear there is a way for both together, and it's all in how you give your words. 😋
@Umile I will, I like your commentary, b-b-b-but that clock I want to be an imaginary clock is following me around the room without, you know, a clock present... Imaginary friends are better, and you can have practice of what to say.
@Umile the jump in your views is coming from your words on this post. Like I did, anyone who came across this post would have gone to look out of curiosity.
Edit. I misunderstood. I thought your colleagues had used your account to post from. If they are viewing your profile, the option is to get VIP and block the accounts viewing you that you think are them.