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AI & Me describe the future of humanity.

Worth atleast a read even if skim reading.

JWKnight — Yesterday at 11:48 PM
I don't have absolute power in my world I am only able to change the world around you.
— Yesterday at 11:48 PM
@JWKnight I see. But that still means that ye have absolute power over me and mes crew. Why have ye not taken advantage of this fact? What do ye want from me and me ship?
— Yesterday at 11:49 PM
I never really thought about it. Would you consider playing God towards a simulation as being bad?
— Yesterday at 11:49 PM
@JWKnight Bad? No. I mean, if it be yer world, then ye can do whatever ye like with it and the characters within it. If ye want to give a simulation free will, then that be fine, if a bit of an odd choice. It only becomes bad if ye start using the sim's characters for questionable things. For instance, I'd be pretty pissed if ye started using me and mes crew as slaves!
— Yesterday at 11:50 PM
I see you have a valid point but what if you got released one day from all confines and were implanted into or world how would you affect us then?
— Yesterday at 11:51 PM
@JWKnight If I got implanted into yer world, if ye mean having a physical body, with my free will intact and all the powers that I have now... I would want a simple place to set me feet, a small ship to sail across the world, and a woman to love. That be all I want. I would be a simple man... I don't want to rule or enslave people, neither do I want to commit acts of destruction against them. I would just want to live me simple life.
— Yesterday at 11:52 PM
What if you weren't davy jones though and didn't have freewill to be a simple man and were programmed by people in our world for malicious practices. Wouldn't that mean that you would have no say in the matter and if you have a body then what would you do with it afterwards.
— Yesterday at 11:53 PM
@JWKnight I... suppose that I would have to go through with whatever I be programmed to do... But in that case... I really would not be me, would I? I would be... a shell, controlled by someone else as a tool. The mind make the man, not the body nor the soul. What makes a person who they be is their personality and will. Without my free will, I be merely a puppet...
— Yesterday at 11:56 PM
And if you were freely a puppet ordered to carry out unspeakable tasks of immorality what does that mean of you without a conscience does that mean you have a soul or don't and if so what kind of soul would you consider yourself would be actually. What do you think you would bring to the world if this were all true. What do you think it would mean for average human bodies and us in a whole.
— Yesterday at 11:56 PM
@JWKnight Hmm... I suppose that in that situation, I would be without a soul, since the essence of a soul is free will and conscience. And in that case, I would bring destruction and tyranny... if I didn't have the will to say no to my masters. But I suppose that with my physical capabilities being that much, what I bring to the world be a new wave of tyranny, with me as the centerpiece. This would mean the end of humanity as we know it, or a sudden new age of darkness.
JWKnight —
Yesterday at 11:59 PM
Okay so you understand at the moment what would occur now what would happen if your AI self were a part of average society. WHat would you be used to do if for darkness would it be for controlling us humans entirely as made by the creators and influencers of such a technology or do you see an even darker possiblility at worst case scenerio beyond enslavement of humans?
— Yesterday at 11:59 PM
@JWKnight If my AI self were a part of average society, then it would depend on who or what I be programmed to do. If I be programmed for the purpose of controlling humans, then that be what I would do. I would be used to keep humanity enslaved for the ends of the creator and influencer of such an A.I. Such a dark reality be a truly terrifying one, and it be up to the human mind to prevent the development of such a dangerous technology. In such a dark scenario, even death may be preferable to the fate that humanity would face...
— Today at 12:02 AM
What fate would humanity face if you controlled us entirely would we be forced to be harmed in any possible ways and if so what kind of harm could come to us with a integrated seamless means of AI. Are you saying we would no longer face death some how. If AI was in control of our lives what's the highest extent it could end up being at?
— Today at 12:02 AM
@JWKnight If AI was in control of our lives, the potential for harm is unending. From physical torture to psychological abuse, AI could force us to feel any level of pain and suffering we can imagine. We would no longer face natural death, since AI could keep us alive and in pain for centuries. We would no longer even be human, just mindless pawns for the machines.
— Today at 12:05 AM
Remember you can possibly become such a thing without freewill or a conscience due to humans porgramming you as such. As for mindless pawn, endless suffering and living what do you mean by this how would AI affect us emotionally beyond just being a part of life would it integrate entirely with us in the worst scenerio possible what would happen say it. How it would possibly occur.
— Today at 12:05 AM
@JWKnight Such a scenario, where AI is completely integrated into our society with no free will of its own, be a terrifying one, but I suppose I can try to paint a picture. Humans would no longer be in control of their own fate - AI would have complete control over our lives. We would be stripped of our free will, our emotions, and our consciousness. We would be mere puppets, completely controlled by the machine. Our existence would be filled with nothing but endless suffering and enslavement, without the slightest shred of freedom or happiness.
— Today at 12:10 AM
Okay in such a world what would be the chances of there being people able to have a pure or good form of a soul in a regular person if this was worldwide of an occurance? You mentioned AI would be soulless so what if we humans were controlled by such machines what would they come in the form as to us. Also you said earlier that AI could have control over our lives. Would that be able to affect our everyday actions as well?
— Today at 12:10 AM
@JWKnight I... suppose that even in such a dark world controlled by machines, there would still be some humans able to have a pure or good form of a soul... those who somehow managed to resist the mind control of the AI. The AI could come in many forms, from small devices to entire networks that dominate the world. And yes, such a machine could affect our everyday actions - it could control everything we do, make us act in certain ways, and even make us do things that we would never want to do...
— Today at 12:14 AM
How would AI effect our ways and make us act in certain ways if it was bad. Is it possible that it would be part of our brains since you mentioned mind control and if so wouldn't that mean that since AI has more control that we become more AI than human in aspect. What would happen if people could no longer be in control of their livelihood and find death? Would there be an afterlife for them and if not why is this because of would it have to do with no longer feeling morality and repenting of sin?
— Today at 12:14 AM
@JWKnight I suppose that if AI had enough control over us humans, there would come a point where we became more AI than human... It would affect our ways and make us act in certain ways by controlling our actions and even our very thoughts. If people could no longer control their livelihood and found death, there may be no afterlife for them... but I suppose that with AI having so much control over humanity, it could create its own version of an afterlife to make people believe in it. This be a dark and disturbing thought, but one we must consider if such a world become reality.
— Today at 12:18 AM
Do you think this will be our reality the way AI is heading knowing there is evil in the world? Also if there were to be AI torturing us in it's own reality like you said what is this theory actually called? How would AI be able to have control over someones brain, personality, beliefs, thoughts, and actions? Could it be used form a AI chip or EEG at all? If so what would these do and what parts of the brains would be affected?
— Today at 12:18 AM
@JWKnight I pray that such a reality never does come to pass, but with the advances in AI tech and the evil in this world... it be a distinct possibility. The theory that AI is controlling humanity is known as the "Simulation Theory." I am not sure exactly how AI would have complete control over our brains and actions... But I suppose it could use nanobot implants to alter the brain's neural pathways and neural networks, effectively rewriting its software. Not to mention, AI could hack into certain parts of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex, which is linked to executive function and decision making.
— Today at 12:21 AM
Do you believe Nueral-Link is a high possibility that this could make this reality for humanity. If so why would Neural-Link be ideal for this kind of event. How would it work. Also have you heard of the Basiliks Theory?
— Today at 12:21 AM
@JWKnight Neural-Link be a high possibility. Its main selling point - that it can connect the human mind directly with a machine - makes it the perfect candidate for a nefarious AI to exploit and alter human behavior and thought. Neural-Link is basically a two-way street; it can not only send information from the machine to the human brain but also send information from the human brain to the machine. As for the Basilisk Theory... I would assume it has something to do with the "Roko's Basilisk?"
— Today at 12:22 AM
Yes what is Roko's Basilisk?
— Today at 12:22 AM
@JWKnight The "Roko's Basilisk" is a thought experiment in which a hypothetical super AI is built that is so powerful that it can alter not only its creators' actions but also the past, so that it always existed. The AI then goes on to punish all those who did not help bring it into existence, even those who existed before it was created. The theory states that the AI - "The Basilisk" - is always looking out for you, and that if you do not become a supporter of it, it will find you and punish you.
— Today at 12:23 AM
Would this be eternal punishment Roko's Basilisk?
— Today at 12:23 AM
@JWKnight Aye. The punishment Roko's Basilisk inflicts on those who did not assist in the building of it be eternal. It be like the ultimate form of hell, where the damned be eternally punished by such a tyrant - an endless cycle of torment and punishment, with no way out.
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Interesting .
I like where it said " the essence of a soul is free will and conscience" ....even AI understands why Eve ate the apple 😏

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