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A question about the negative side of humanity

This is one of the disturbing Painting I have seen . It's called "Market in Piazza del Municipio". It's about the punishment of several ladies in public because they sold rotten eggs from their market stall . The punishment is to be pelted with a basket full of the same eggs by a group of men. This actually happened in 1790 and it shows a form of cruelty and an uncaring society as they relish the spectacle watch on by smiling groups of men and women. What do you think?

DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
Have we really become that much better though?

There's so much that so called "civilized" society ignores.

Every day now for decades I see many just ignoring the plight of others. Not even bothering to ask in person what troubles others. Most especially those not very well known to them.

Helping them is actually out of the question since they simply just refuse to ask and do not want to know.

You can not help if you don't wish to know. Easier to just ridicule or even punish others.

Those that take the only positive side of life actually are the worst. Because to them there are no negatives. Only positives. So no need to ask, which futhers others suffering and therefore negativity and resentment.
HannibalAteMeOut · 22-25, F
Think of when people gather around some fight and film and laugh instead of helping resolve things, even otherwise "good" people become bad under some circumstances...
@HannibalAteMeOut Yes. I think it was evil of them
Go and say on twitter (or I guess here) that men can't be women (no matter what hormones, surgery, or clothes are involved), or vice versa, and watch exactly the same thing happen.

But these women could go back to selling eggs after a few days. JK Rowling (who didn't even say what I just said in the above paragraph), is getting death threats.

My thought is we do exactly the same thing today. Actually we're probably worse because we throw virtual eggs for thought-crimes.
@littlemissdani I think it was the humiliation that was the worst pain, especially in a time of no compassion
@Nexus Again...have we changed?
@littlemissdani The punishment s are graver, but the humilation has not changed. I have a shed a teardrop for human behavior
mrh1972 · MVIP
I think a lot worse things have happened throughout history
mrh1972 · MVIP
@mrh1972 also i think for those who commit unkind or criminal acts humiliation could be a good punishment
@mrh1972 two wrongs don't make a right in my opinion. The humiliation of pelting women with eggs is never right.
mrh1972 · MVIP
@Nexus i agree
Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M
This reminds of that time I saw that mugger get burned alive after being beaten senseless. This is why I value the individual more than the collective, Omelas troglodytes
No nerds there. I can tell you that for certain.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Moral of the story is 'Don't sell rotten eggs'.
I think it stinks
How far have we come from those times. Not far enough i think still to much cruelty in the world
@nevergiveup I so agree with you
Some of the newspaper reports of the lynchings in the early 20th century make this look incredibly tame. Embarrassing, yes. But they were still alive afterwards.
@bijouxbroussard justice for women today can be unjust as it can be for anyone I guess. But looking at today's justice doesn't change the lack of justice in this painting
@Nexus No, and alas, nothing can change what happened. Everyone depicted, including the artist (Giovanni Graneri) is deceased.
@bijouxbroussard I agree with that totally. But we can comment on lives and stories from the past describing the justice or whatever from the evidence we see
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