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" In 1901, the Scots-born Andrew Carnegie was the richest man in the world. However, it's estimated he gave away 90% of his wealth, including providing funding for the construction of 2,059 libraries around the world "
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
By todays standards the man was a Keynsian, bordering on a Socialist...I like him..He understood fertilizing the field to get a better crop..😷
ffony · M
@whowasthatmaskedman By today's standards he'd be a bizarre anomaly.
JimboSaturn · 51-55, M
He was an Adam Smith type (another Scot) who also believed in reinvesting the proflts back into the business and create Capital and more jobs instead of hoarding it personally
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
And Bill Gates has already given away $100bn of his fortune in the first 25 years of his charitable foundation, having been taught by his mother that with great wealth comes great responsibility.
SunshineGirl · 36-40, F
@ffony I don't think anyone else has given away so much (although some of the money in the foundation comes from others). His foundation will last for centuries, like Carnegie's.
ffony · M
I don't think anyone else has given away so much
(as Bill Gates....)

Why do you hold that opinion?
@ffony asks
What's the size of Gates' personal fortune and how much has he personally given away?
Bill Gates' net worth in 2024 was estimated to be around $128 billion, according to Forbes.

As of December 31, 2023, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation had a net worth of $75.2 billion. This includes the foundation's endowment and trust, according to public 501c3. filings.

The Gates Foundation has distributed over $77.6 billion in total grant payments since their inception, as of the end of 2023. As a 501c3 charity they are required to distribute at least 5% of their assets every year. None the less the endowment has been growing (partly due to continuing donations by Gates), and the current yearly distribution is about $8.5 billion.

Ain't it AMAZING what you can learn with google!!!
hunkalove · 61-69, M
The library in my small hometown was a Carnegie library. I learned more there than I ever did in school.

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