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I always blame myself.

I think it is the human condition that everything is our personal fault. I feel it’s important to believe that because it gives us the power to progress ourselves. That being said, we cannot change every single thing about our personality or rewrite our character. There are going to be parts of our nature that are simply permanent no matter what kind of nurturing or conditioning it undergoes.

Still, we are able to adapt to a whole lot more than people are willing to admit and even when it comes to what we can’t adjust, it’s better to take the blame for it anyways. As unfair as it might be to take responsibility for something you genuinely can’t help, that’s the only way to be ready for what you can. Otherwise you have no reason to advance in life since it’s apparently on everything else to do so. We all know that insufferable type of person who can do no wrong.

You should pick the life best suited to who you truly are, but do not hold anything else accountable for your incompatibilities. If you do, you’ll only become some victim who judges and refuses to improve the parts of yourself that could’ve been developed if you had kept an open mind.
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Prisoner1972 · 51-55, M
You could be dealing with what psychologists call "intrusive thoughts". That's where unpleasant thoughts come into your mind out of nowhere. I write mine down and talk to my therapist about them.

Another way some deal with this (and I have moderate success) is to ask yourself 2 questions:
1. Is the thought useful?
2. Do i take pleasure in the thought?
If you answer NO on both of those, disregard the thought.

In that second method, like i said, i have moderate success. But the more you do to disregard intrusive thoughts, the easier it will get. So hang in there. You're not alone.
Reject · 26-30, M
@Prisoner1972 Interesting. If they are intrusive thoughts. I find them very useful, but I don’t take pleasure in them. It’s not a good feeling to believe you’re messing up, but it does help me prevent that in the future.
Lisafriend27 · 31-35, F
Yes and I've been trying to develop those things as I go. I know kind of what you mean. 🌼🌱🐰
Reject · 26-30, M
@Lisafriend27 It’s not easy! I have to watch myself very carefully because blaming anything else feels like the most natural thing in the world that happens every time I’m not aware of myself.
YoMomma ·
You think it's a kinda egoism? Self blame? 😳
YoMomma ·
@Reject hmm
Reject · 26-30, M
@YoMomma That’s the tricky thing about ego. It can look like anything.

You could donate to charity or save dying kittens and have those actions be ego based. It doesn’t make you a good person, you’re just doing good things to convince yourself you’re one.

It can be something negative and maybe you hate yourself so you do self destructive things. That too can be ego based if it’s done because you’re obsessed with something about yourself.

The one way to know for sure if you’re being selfless or not is based on why you do something. You have to be honest with yourself. Is it for you or something else? Most people are bad at self honesty because it’s easier to lie and feels better.
YoMomma ·
@Reject hmmm

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