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Bless Monique Lanotti for reporting a homeless guy's disappearance.

RIP Warren Barnes.

The killer bet on someone not caring if they were missing and that backfired, good on this woman. She knew something was wrong when his work called her asking where he was because he literally has never missed work for 4 years and the place where they found his wallet, he would never go that far down so she knew something was wrong. Otherwise someone would have gotten away with murder, it's highly likely no one would notice someone missing like that.

Also, good on his work for checking up on him.

EWU! I watch that channel :) its so sad thou so the happy face isnt cuz the content
SatanBurger · 36-40, FVIP
@TryingtoLava I get it, about the smiley face. It's more because you like the channel and not what the person did in the video haha. I'm just glad that someone cared enough, no one would have ever known either if it hadn't been reported. Or they would have found him years later. So this Monique person really made a difference.
@SatanBurger watch the 3 teens 'i want my mom' or the 'im going to release my bipolar on you' boy
@SatanBurger or the pig farmer girl that ones super messed up

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