redredred · M
Oh yes you will. I’ve seen a lifelong drunk die of cirrhosis. For his last 18 months he was limited to ten ounces of water a day. That’s water from all sources. He had to measure the water in bread, vegetables and even meat. To keep his throat from cracking he had to sip vegetable oil all day which caused a loss of bowel control.
Yeah, you’ll quit but you might be in diapers desperate for water. Good luck.
Yeah, you’ll quit but you might be in diapers desperate for water. Good luck.
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redredred · M
@Krustytheclown05 you don’t understand. With cirrhosis, water becomes poisonous. Your diseased liver becomes unable to prevent the build up of ammonia in your bloodstream. The only way to keep it down is to limit water. Try and imagine what ammonia in your bloodstream feels like.
redredred · M
@basilfawlty89 he said he wouldn’t quit. I said he would
How would I know how you are?
FreestyleArt · 36-40, M
Too late but im not drunk though. Im Bi Drunk right mow
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