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Second in a continuing series on the Georgia Guidestones

Throughout the 42 years the Guidestones stood, they attracted an unusual level of interest from cranks and conspiracy theorists, culminating in a terrorist destroying them in a bombing attack. While the mystery of their origins (described in my last post) undoubtedly contributed to this, the main focus of the conspiracies and rage at their existence focused on their inscriptions. Intended to be a guide for humanity after a devastating cataclysm, they describe the designers' vision for the society that would follow.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

#1 may be the most problematic, as it plays into nonsensical "new world order" conspiracy theories that accuse a shadowy, elite cabal of plotting to kill off most of humanity. The half-billion number is often presented as this cabal's ideal.

However, keep in mind that this guidance was intended to apply after a cataclysmic event that would destroy humanity. Notice that it says "maintain," not "reduce." This number, coincidentally, is the estimated number of people that could be supported by hunting and gathering or subsistence agriculture. Any higher number is solely due to technology.

#2 will bother anyone who opposes diversity. Think about the people today crying how "diversity is perversity."

#3 calls for a "living new language. Like it or not, English, which in its modern form is at least several centuries old, is the current international language. It's not likely people will spontaneously invent a new conlang and everyone will decide to learn it. Esperanto may be the most successful of these, spoken at some level by between 30,000 and 180,000 people, but with only 1,000 "native" speakers.

#4 shouldn't be a problem for anyone.

Same for #5 - who wants to rule nations with unfair laws and unjust laws? There shouldn't be any argument here.

#6 has been criticized as encouraging a one-world government, but if nations "rule internally," wouldn't a world court be better than resolving external disputes through warfare? Besides, we have a world court right now.

As for #7, who wants petty laws and useless officials? The libertarians should like this one.

#8 pretty much describes society. A functioning society requires individuals to relinquish a degree of personal freedom for the good of the group. For example, we shouldn't be free to run red lights just because we're in a hurry.

#9 might bother someone who despises truth, beauty, and love, and is upset by "harmony with the infinite" because their preferred deity has a different name.

#10 will bother anyone who thinks humanity should be a cancer on the earth and there should be no "room for nature." It's significant that this is the only repeated phrase.

Overall, the Guidestones' wording encouraged positive values. The idea that anyone found them to be harmful says more about them and their values.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
The problem with this is that at half a billion people, you would not have enough people to develop or maintain specialized industries like pharmacology and other advanced healthcare, power production and electric grid maintenance, communication and transportation, and so many more.

You would be returning us to the early 1600's. Look for lifespans to collapse, diseases to return, infant mortality to skyrocket, etc.

No thanks. I'll take the modern world with all it's ugliness and work towards a better, more equitable future.
@sarabee1995 It’s not saying to reduce the population to half a billion, only to maintain it at that level if it falls due to some catastrophe. With automation, none of the drawbacks you mention would be present.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@LeopoldBloom Of course they would.

Our pharmacology industry is not so automated. Keeping a researcher going means someone is tapping rubber trees in Malaysia and shipping the raw material to China where it is turned into latex gloves and shipped to the US or Europe. And that's just the gloves.

So many industries would grind to a halt at that population level. Healthcare is just the beginning.

You (or someone here in the comments) said that this population number anticipated a hunter-gatherer society. No thanks.

The last time the world's population was half a billion it was the 1600s and life expectancy was in the thirties and infant mortality was over twelve percent in the first year of life. Again, no thanks.

Of course, if our current society regressed to this population level we would do better, but dreaming that you would still have electricity and healthcare is crazy town.
@sarabee1995 We'd have other things to worry about if a catastrophe reduced the human population below half a billion.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
🤔 let's be honest here, this is all wishful thinking claptrap... in a post apocalyptic world, the struggle for control of scarce resources would lead to constant inter tribal warfare.

the meek would most certainly not inherit the earth.

if this is the world for which we must prepare, then i want to have the best weapons and the strongest fighters, as well as the most skilful farmers and artisans. an the most fertile women...

but surely it is better to prepare to avoid this apocalypse, so that we can learn to sustainably exploit the resources of the earth and of human intelligence.
sarabee1995 · 26-30, F
@Yulianna Don't know about the rest of SW, but I'm on your team in this brave new world.
Yulianna · 26-30, F
@sarabee1995 🇺🇦❤🇺🇸 yes, that is good.
we are a bit off track .. yes maybe in the next go around.. if we survive..
I like the ideas.

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