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I Believe In Equality

I mean REAL equality, the kind that supports people who need it most regardless of if they're a man, or white, or straight. Equality is not exclusionary depending on criteria.
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rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
The problem is that the word equality has been bastardized in the USA. I say this as the father of a daughter who did not have to register for Selective Service. Women in the US do not seem to have a problem that only men are required by law to register. There are legal and possible financial penalties if they do not. Where is the cry to change that law?

I am for equality yet those that advocate the loudest tend to be the most unqualified (I realize that is a broad brush statement) and when pressed for what they envision as equal rarely have a well articulated definition. I find that the cries of equality tend to actually mean put me ahead of those that can because I am special.
@rfhh1959 I’m a woman who doesn’t see why anyone has to sign up for selective service, male or female, since we’ve done well for almost 50 years with a purely voluntary military.
And we surely can’t justify conscription if we continue to reject able-bodied volunteers simply because they’re LGBT. That’s never made any sense.
rfhh1959 · 61-69, M
@bijouxbroussard No disagreement, it is an example that is real. There are real legal penalties to males(regardless of race, creed, color or orientation) versus woman and always have been yet I have never heard a someone (other than me) where is the equality in this?

Years ago (1998) I was at dinner with a person who thought it terrible our company did not support domestic partner benefits. My buddy threw me under the bus and said I was being quiet which I was. This individual asked if I was against domestic partnership and benefits. I said that i thought is Bullshit, that the it was invented by a guy to avoid marriage to convince a woman to shack up. I said my real issue was that the Gay Community was using it as issue to get all my benefits of marriage with none of the down side under the guise of equality. I looked this person directly in the eye and said I rather have same sex marriage be legal because if you want the benefits you must take the downside. I was asked such as? I said getting fucked in the divorce as that would be equal.

BTW the rational is that the system is in place should we need to grow the Arm Force quickly i.e. a World War
@rfhh1959 I also supported marriage equality when it wasn’t popular. I’ve known gay and lesbian couples throughout my life who have been together longer than many heterosexual couples. They availed themselves of domestic partner laws because before Obergefell v. Hodges they didn’t have any other options. What annoyed me was heterosexual couples taking advantage of domestic partner law when they did have the option to legally marry. And the church objecting to gays marrying made no sense, as marriage has never been solely a religious institution. Atheists marry, and people needn’t marry in church, temple, synagogue, mosque. I married my husband at City Hall.
Stop trying to sound smart that's not a flex lmfao. What are you trying to say... Too many big words exclusionary?? Tf dues that even mean bruh English pls
Ilovetoparty665 · 22-25, M
You preaching is so true and wonderful though and very true as well
I agree!...🤠👍
Sweet · 26-30, F
You are very beautiful
IWasCallingYaLarry · 31-35, M
I agree completely. I believe we are all equals. Race, gender, religion, ideology, none of it means anything to me. If you are nice to me and can show you're not an asshole, then I think you're a cool person and wouldn't mind talking to you.
Invisible · 26-30, M
Because straight white men are evil, right? And get all the help the world has to offer
Invisible · 26-30, M
@okkelly2000 Forget it
okkelly2000 · 22-25, F
@Invisible Already done
@okkelly2000 no they don't. Blanket statements don't help either
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