for all the bad decisions and the loss and the pain and for everything that has caused me sorrow this past year. I have loved and lost and left pieces of my heart lying all around. But moping around, feeling sorry for myself is the easiest thing on earth to do. Ironic how easy, yet absolutely exhausting it is. So I learned from it. I learned to lean on myself, I learned to not be ashamed of who I am, I learned to let go of the bullshit and hang on to the belief that I can do this. I got this shit. I learned that I'm in control of my own life and who and what I will allow in it. All that has gone wrong this past year has not made me bitter or weak or ready to give up. It has made me stronger and wiser and more determined to carry on like I always have. I am Me. I will always be Me.
I@Tumbleweeds I'm pleased that you have come to this realization: Women are not dependent on men; Women are not subservient to men; Women are emotionally stronger than men - although they release their angst easier than do men.
Men have traditionally, because of their size and physical strength preyed upon women to serve them and to be obedient to them. This is 'traditional' because society has permitted it to happen through generations. It has been taught and it has been legislated but it is not 'just' in the sense of justice. Some men too suffer the sterotyping that society has stamped onto them: that men must be strong; men are the protectors, the warriors and the saviors of our society; that men have the 'right' to more pay because men are leaders and therefore take more responsibility. If a man does not fit this social mold then he will be shunned and held in contempt by other men - and by some women! Our North American society is changing but that change is slow and it is being resisted by many facets of society - including the women who are still subservient to their men: How else did Mr. Trump get elected when his misogynistic personna and policies were tangible to both women and men. Ms. Harris is a women - (perception): a woman cannot lead the American polity - It has never been done and the circumstances of the world today dictate that a man must hold the Presidency (false) or the USA will lose face. It happened in 2016 too despite there being many past and present examples of women who HAVE/DO lead their countries and lead them well - sometimes to overcome obstacles that male leaders never dared to speak about.
You are now free. You have realized that you have potential to stand on your own. I hope you will foster courage into your sisters so they too will break free from subordination by men. Men are nothing without women and women are nothing without men: the reality of equal contribution is there, it just has to be brought into practice.
Just be the person you are. Women don't need to be the ones who have to carry all the heartache and pain that they see around and all that happen to them. Women are so much stronger that men in every aspect of life. I know that you are a very strong person and I'm happy to know you and look up to someone like you who gets up and says look out world, I'm coming! 🤗
This is such a wonderful read. I love it when someone finds their way of returning to their True Being.
Your post reminds me of this quote:
"After a while you learn the subtle difference between holding a hand and chaining a soul and you learn that love doesn’t mean leaning and company doesn’t always mean security. And you begin to learn that kisses aren’t contracts and presents aren’t promises and you begin to accept your defeats with your head up and your eyes ahead with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child and you learn to build all your roads on today because tomorrow’s ground is too uncertain for plans and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight. After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers. And you learn that you really can endure you really are strong you really do have worth and you learn and you learn with every goodbye, you learn…" Veronica A, Shoffstall
Being true to oneself is essential. It sounds like you're embracing your individuality and encouraging yourself to stay authentic. That's a great mindset to have. 🙌🏻😊
I cannot wait for New Year’s Eve to reread my journal, burn each page and start with a clean slate. There is something cleansing about watching ashes of the year drift into the ether.