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There was a teacher who was so annoying and wasn’t a very mature teacher , he didn’t mark our work at all , he didn’t explain the work stuff to us and he just sat there whilst we listen to music and kids threw stuff and messed around , I failed my test and he wouldn’t let me re take it , so I booked a parents evening and I booked it for 7pm at night , I didn’t turn up for it because I didn’t tell my dad about it. The next day he said to the class he was at school for hours after everyone had left waiting for me as I was the only one who booked it for that time. That was the best thing I did , I didn’t have to misbehave I just joked about that every lesson that was enough.
hunkalove · 61-69, M
Sounds like that brat's due for the kinda ass-whoopin' Grandpa got!
So you're making the most of some free childcare???
HoraceGreenley · 61-69, M
TheLordOfHell · 41-45
Haha nice