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I had high hopes for a relationship with a guy. When we are together there’s so much vibrant energy that feels delicious. However, I don’t see him

often...Long story short: I’m pretty sure I was just used. I don’t know how to stop thinking of him and move on. I don’t know how to move on. I do know that my heart doesn’t feel good. Any Advice On How to Move On Would Be Awesome Please???
Just focus on yourself, do things that make you feel happy. Hang out with your best friends. Try not to look at pictures of him. Don't listen to sappy love songs, or watch romantic movies until you feel better. Be kind to yourself. You will get over him. We all go through this and it sucks!
Don't recall the things. It would not let you forget and move ahead. You need to subconsciously train your mind to stop thinking about him and the whole episode. Start experiencing the life more, food, travel, hobbies, etc., new bf would be a nice step. You need to collect more nice and emotional experiences than you had with him. By now you only had experienced his love, but I am sure he is not the only single and best guy for you in this universe.

Best Wishes, Take care..
spice1 · M
I know it's hard but it'll get better with time and as you make new memories, it's hard right now because it's still fresh in your mind, I went thru the same thing with a girlfriend at my workplace.
Smalltalk · F
That shit sucks, sorry. Think of it as a lesson. Learn what u can from it. Avoid that happening again... Let go, move on, enjoy today
Sigh the worst part of this is, the more you TRY to move on, the more you get stuck. Hugs and hang in there
jarinm · 56-60, M
How are you doing now? Any better?

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