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Entwistle · 56-60, M
Karma is created based upon your motivation. What motivates you to act creates the karma. You are karma..Karma isn't something that happens to you.
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@Entwistle 🤔 ummm no, I slightly disagree. We create karma. Then depending on what we create its reflected back to us.
I don't want good karma reflected back to me. I want an even score sheet.
Therefore I must lie to someone or con them or something... I probably already have at some point today by accident so I think actually I'm good.
Thanks for your insights though.
I don't want good karma reflected back to me. I want an even score sheet.
Therefore I must lie to someone or con them or something... I probably already have at some point today by accident so I think actually I'm good.
Thanks for your insights though.
Ah, just insult someone here and that should even your cosmic score...
KaiserSolze · 46-50, F
@SW-User can't. Too much pc bullshit...