rckt148 · 61-69, M
Please forgive the length of my answer ..thank you in advance 🤗
I have more peace of mind now then I have ever known
My kids make me very proud
their kids also set the standard high
my little boy is like his Mom ,,he does not need to study (though I do still quiz him to make sure he is ready for testing ,he is almost 11 )
He pays attention in class and he's got this
So he is cursed with my memory too (it can also be a blessing )
They are all doing well for themselves
and though I am in pain ,health is deteriorating
I am content ,,I have done as good a job as I can do
Whatever comes ,bring it ,,I'm ready
But I would like 7 more years
I want to see my last kid in his cap and gown too
I worked hard (and so did they ) for all of them to earn one
they have the tools to succeed ,I am no longer worried about anything
They will carry on our name with honor
They finally vindicate how I raised them
They didn't turn 18 and go nuts
and people that said I was to strict
now wish they had had a little more control on theirs too
and took just a little more time to raise them ,and not been their buddy
Now they get treated like a sibling ,not a parent
Mine never bring me shame ,though they were not angels ,
they tried their wings and found the way they were taught was for a reason .
Now all of mine look after Dad ,not still killing me with
"I want ,I need" ,,if they want Anything ,they go earn it for themselves .
and they are all kind hearted and givers .we are all very blessed .
I have peace of mind ,I know I'm blessed ,I know who has had my back
thank all who indulged me ❤️
I have more peace of mind now then I have ever known
My kids make me very proud
their kids also set the standard high
my little boy is like his Mom ,,he does not need to study (though I do still quiz him to make sure he is ready for testing ,he is almost 11 )
He pays attention in class and he's got this
So he is cursed with my memory too (it can also be a blessing )
They are all doing well for themselves
and though I am in pain ,health is deteriorating
I am content ,,I have done as good a job as I can do
Whatever comes ,bring it ,,I'm ready
But I would like 7 more years
I want to see my last kid in his cap and gown too
I worked hard (and so did they ) for all of them to earn one
they have the tools to succeed ,I am no longer worried about anything
They will carry on our name with honor
They finally vindicate how I raised them
They didn't turn 18 and go nuts
and people that said I was to strict
now wish they had had a little more control on theirs too
and took just a little more time to raise them ,and not been their buddy
Now they get treated like a sibling ,not a parent
Mine never bring me shame ,though they were not angels ,
they tried their wings and found the way they were taught was for a reason .
Now all of mine look after Dad ,not still killing me with
"I want ,I need" ,,if they want Anything ,they go earn it for themselves .
and they are all kind hearted and givers .we are all very blessed .
I have peace of mind ,I know I'm blessed ,I know who has had my back
thank all who indulged me ❤️
PoetryNEmotion · F
@rckt148 Best damn answer. What is your health ailment, may I ask? You are blessed. I am with Mae on this one.
rckt148 · 61-69, M
@PoetryNEmotion I have had a bone disease since I was in my 30's ,,an
auto immune disease since service that advanced my bone problems
White count off the scale since 2000 ,but they can't find out why (maybe they will find out why now )
a collapsed lobe of my left lung ,I have had several heart attacks
but I just keep pushing on refusing to give up ,,but now my body is showing me I don't have a say so anymore
But I learned to get my stuff in order back in 95 ,I am content with what I have .
Now my BP is staying up like 200/ 116 ,120 ,,,with all the meds I take it should be closer to 120 /60 ,but its not ( but I just found out I don't have cancer ,that is a huge relief )
Today a specialist says he thinks its not my heart ,my kidneys may have a blockage ,and that is causing all the other problems with my heart .
but I decided I am tired of the VA ,,I went to one of the best hospitals around ,they referred me to a specialist here in town not 60 miles away
and they have all the imaging equipment ,every kind of stress test
a heart cath through the wrist instead of the groin and they got me in today ..
I was only seen at the ER on Friday ,,,6 hrs in ICU
Between the hospital and the office visit now my deductible for the year is paid
so no one is treating me like a second class citizen that can't afford them
I am in a very good pain group that doesn't jerk me around and I am in the CDC /DEA data base as one that has submitted to surgery and its no longer an option
so they have accepted me as one that does not abuse narcotics ,so I only have to go in 4 times a year and they take care of my pain meds (with all the abuse of narcotics that has been a big issue ,managing my pain )that all under control now
So with an 11 yr old son it sucks I am not active like I was with my girls
but the years of abusing my body has caught up with me
I should have slowed down like the doctors told me to ,but I had to live life my way ,,,
But I am not anxious ,or bored ,wishing I was dead ,,,I am content
my kids are my legs now ,,they take very good care of Dad
I had a life lesson ,I was not really in control ,,I was just a steward
even in the shape i'm in ,,,I still feel like one of the most blessed men alive
I learned what was important in life before it was to late
Bet ya can't guess what it was LOL ,,thank both of you sweet ,kind friends
You also encourage me ,,,even when you don't know it
Thank you ,and thank you for caring ,,I am blessed on SW too
I know all the best people 🤗🤗❤️
auto immune disease since service that advanced my bone problems
White count off the scale since 2000 ,but they can't find out why (maybe they will find out why now )
a collapsed lobe of my left lung ,I have had several heart attacks
but I just keep pushing on refusing to give up ,,but now my body is showing me I don't have a say so anymore
But I learned to get my stuff in order back in 95 ,I am content with what I have .
Now my BP is staying up like 200/ 116 ,120 ,,,with all the meds I take it should be closer to 120 /60 ,but its not ( but I just found out I don't have cancer ,that is a huge relief )
Today a specialist says he thinks its not my heart ,my kidneys may have a blockage ,and that is causing all the other problems with my heart .
but I decided I am tired of the VA ,,I went to one of the best hospitals around ,they referred me to a specialist here in town not 60 miles away
and they have all the imaging equipment ,every kind of stress test
a heart cath through the wrist instead of the groin and they got me in today ..
I was only seen at the ER on Friday ,,,6 hrs in ICU
Between the hospital and the office visit now my deductible for the year is paid
so no one is treating me like a second class citizen that can't afford them
I am in a very good pain group that doesn't jerk me around and I am in the CDC /DEA data base as one that has submitted to surgery and its no longer an option
so they have accepted me as one that does not abuse narcotics ,so I only have to go in 4 times a year and they take care of my pain meds (with all the abuse of narcotics that has been a big issue ,managing my pain )that all under control now
So with an 11 yr old son it sucks I am not active like I was with my girls
but the years of abusing my body has caught up with me
I should have slowed down like the doctors told me to ,but I had to live life my way ,,,
But I am not anxious ,or bored ,wishing I was dead ,,,I am content
my kids are my legs now ,,they take very good care of Dad
I had a life lesson ,I was not really in control ,,I was just a steward
even in the shape i'm in ,,,I still feel like one of the most blessed men alive
I learned what was important in life before it was to late
Bet ya can't guess what it was LOL ,,thank both of you sweet ,kind friends
You also encourage me ,,,even when you don't know it
Thank you ,and thank you for caring ,,I am blessed on SW too
I know all the best people 🤗🤗❤️
PoetryNEmotion · F
Not scared. Delighted. Amazed. Blissful. Excited. All positive, wonderful feelings.

I'm confident.
SweetMae · 70-79, F
I am confident about it.
ScottyTaco · 31-35, M
I'm definitely scared about my future. I wonder if love, and I will meet again, I wonder if I'll keep my job, I worry about my friend's that I still chill with, and I worry about my health. Ugh, too much worry about the future!
JustNik · 51-55, F
Neither. It will be what it will be.

I am nervous about it

What future?
Steve42 · 56-60, M
The sense of impending doom? Yes. Had it. Than I got sober. Then I got right with God as I understand Him.
Entwistle · 56-60, M
It makes no odds what I feel about it. What will be will be.
luv2fly352 · 70-79, M
No,not at all,que sara sara,though my trust is in the Lord.

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@PoetryNEmotion I haven’t seen my mum yet
PoetryNEmotion · F
@SW-User Well, you have fun here. And try not to worry. Worry accomplishes nothing. How are your guinea pigs doing?

@PoetryNEmotion they are good thank you 😊 My guinea pig did his first popcorn in front of me a few days ago 😍 all I did was put food in for him. I’m really proud of him. He’s been with me for a few weeks now. And the day before he did his first loud squeak for food when he heard the food bag rustle when reeses was getting his food although peanut butter already had food in his cage 😂 he makes me so happy. He’s been out too as I held him too 😊.
LokiBecky · 18-21, F
Doesn’t bother me yet, might later on though
PikachuTrainer · 31-35, M
I'm calm and content about my bleak future.
RuiterInSwart · F
Que sera sera
Bigmusicloverfan1 · 41-45, F
Very scared
Jeephikelove · 51-55, F
bijouxbroussard · F
I’m a bit uncertain, but hoping for the best.
MartinTheFirst · 26-30, M
Allelse · 36-40, M
Not scared, more annoyed about what a big, gigantic, useless pile of shit it'll be. And how much longer I can put up with it before I go out one night, lay my neck on a train track and wait for the end. Yep, the thought of suicide is the only thing that keeps me going.
swirlie · F
Future is an illusion of time, both of which do not exist in reality.