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How do you Spread Loving Kindness Each Day?

Is there something you want to show the world? How many acts of kindness do you do, is it frequent? Is it difficult?

It can be tough when we lack the confident will to act upon doing greater good, for all of us this is a crucial lesson in selflessness.

Please share your thoughts... :)
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SW-User Best Comment
In small ways like just being there for someone (if they want to talk, rant). I’m not always kind but I do try and do what I can if I see someone needs it.
Thanks for BA@SW-User

4meAndyou · F
I "see" people here every single day, whereas in RL I am something of a recluse. When I am here I try to answer questions in ways that are as kind and helpful as it is every day that I try to be kind, and I try to help. I love helping people more than anything.

I am not always kind, and some people push all of my buttons, but that is more infrequent.
@4meAndyou Awwww, you didn't have to go and get all rational on me like that! Wasn't I okay in my little happy bubble? 😰🥴
4meAndyou · F
@puck61 You are almost always okay....except when you are crazy...LOL!!!😂
@4meAndyou Ummmmmm.........
except when you are crazy.
.........I think that particular prerequisite presents what one might consider a 'paradox'. 🧐
I like to minister to all the leftists, progressives, pseudo liberals, Care Bear Fascists, Rainbow Brites, Poodle Sharks, Dumb Daisies, social justice warriors, Tuition Burners, commies, pinkos, Coffee House Commandos, Hipsters, Gender Benders, Poseurs, Posies, and pretenders, or just democrats in general. It's the least I can do. Just the voice of one crying in the wilderness with a plea to reason for the broods of vipers out there. My chosen selfless, yet thankless task. 😇
@therighttothink50 Yes. It becomes clearer each minute that they are subhuman sewage, but as long as there is breath there is hope.
Budwick · 70-79, M
as long as there is breath there is hope

You gotta love a smart man, head screwed on straight, can discern right from wrong - yet still have the compassion, heart and patience to teach all the leftists, progressives, pseudo liberals, Care Bear Fascists, Rainbow Brites, Poodle Sharks, Dumb Daisies, social justice warriors, Tuition Burners, commies, pinkos, Coffee House Commandos, Hipsters, Gender Benders, Poseurs, Posies, and pretenders, or just democrats in general.

You're a special breed Puck. You and the the other very few like you may be the only reason God hasn't already sent a giant asteroid our way!

Sincerely, thank you. And, have a great new year!
@Budwick Thanks a lot! I really appreciate the positive stuff!
I think i dont spread enough kindness or else I'd feel better about myself.
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