Saved a bird with a broken wing when I was young. Saved a neighbourhood cat that had been hit by a car then saved her again when she got sick, sadly couldn't save her when she got sick again.
I once picked up a wandering pug after it got through a gap in a fence. I handed it back to the owner by passing it over the fence, although there was no traffic coming at the time. Still, if it had wandered further it could have come to grief.
The cat adopted had been scheduled to be euthanized, I was told later. I had her for 14 years and she was a wonderful pet. I also once saved a puppy who’d gotten out of his yard. He was wandering in the street. He let me scoop him up and return him to his owners.
@Littlelegskate a turtle stuck in a net. A kitty trapped in the middle of a woodpile for so long it could barely make a sound. A lizard owned by someone a fellow who thought it ought to live on carrot shavings. A kitty who had been hit by a car in front of my house. Of course, that was really the vet....