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will you marry me

馃拲 if I say please
SW-User Best Comment

Crazycoral8436-40, M
EEhhmmmmmm, what can you add in our relationship?? I don't marry just anyone you know??
Crazycoral8436-40, M
@SweetnDemented Ooohhhhh, that sucks indeed. Well at least i don't get sick a lot. Sooooo you'd probably need me more to take care of you then??
@Crazycoral84 no I am.a bitch when sick. You would have to take the couch
Crazycoral8436-40, M
@SweetnDemented Oohhhh, and no need for help? You're a strong independent woman?
only if we divorce each other after 2 months
@SweetnDemented you must be good at reading people then, I need more time cuz I am a man
@SW-User no I am easy to hate trust me it might happen sooner
@SweetnDemented you already have that self hatred thing going on. no wonder I wanna divorce yo ass
TacoCat22-25, M
Only if the wedding has tacos and cats
Blithe31-35, F
@TacoCat kinky
sogdianrock61-69, M
hi TacoCat
butt out Tacocat I am negotiating
Best wishes
TacoCat22-25, M
@Blithe You're kinky
Degbeme70-79, M
I doubt the wife would appreciate that. No sense of humour that woman. :p
We'd have to get certain stuff settled first, who sleeps which side of the bed, how often do we have sex, etc.
@SapphicHeart I found my match馃槝
@SapphicHeart @SweetnDemented 馃憤 The Beginnings... 馃
DIMaverick441-45, M
why do you want to spoil it with marriage and unwanted love and binding? 馃
DIMaverick441-45, M
@SweetnDemented on what? 馃槑
@DIMaverick4 finger first
DIMaverick441-45, M
@SweetnDemented middle??
Booyeah41-45, M
Yes. With pre-nup.
Booyeah41-45, M
@SweetnDemented There may be some Jew in my ancestry.
@Booyeah kinda figured that one out
Booyeah41-45, M
sogdianrock61-69, M
hi SweetnDemented
I need more information. Do you have all your own teeth. Can you dance well? Are you an Aries?
Best wishes
@sogdianrock I have false teeth no I neva danced in my life. Is that a no?馃槙
sogdianrock61-69, M
hi SweetnDemented
No need to be hasty. Can you cook? How about a dowry?
Are they good false teeth?
Best wishes
donontario70-79, M
Sure! You'd better insure me first, at this point the wedding night might kill me.. and how would they get that big grin off my face for the funeral?
@donontario 馃槀
No I'm not getting married again
@SweetnDemented fear of it ending up like the first time around
@SW-User What if it turns out magical, your love feels like nothing you ever felt before. What if you have to go the second time to find that which is true? What if.............?
@SweetnDemented let's say I'm open to the possibility, but I would be much more cautious the second time.
Can you make homemade biscuits?
@sSeven almost, my dad is a pathetic drunk might as well call herself single
@SweetnDemented Awe I hate to here that馃槥
@sSeven its alright
StevenIzzi51-55, M
No, but if you say pretty please then sure.
@StevenIzzi thats pushing it馃槖
StevenIzzi51-55, M
@SweetnDemented ok, but I still need to ask the wife if it is ok....brb
@StevenIzzi lmao 馃ぃ
lorne1361-69, M
I have an opening for the 3rd wife position
DragonFruit61-69, M
I can鈥檛....I鈥檓 already married.
Shadowstep26-30, M
I kinda found someone on here...
Miram31-35, F
@Eclipse This question is for you! 馃槒
OMG ... No... Busy this weekend
@AmorFati next week?
@SW-User yay 馃拑 lets set a date
@SweetnDemented one week from now馃槤
@SW-User 馃槰 *runs*
NotYourPepper41-45, F
馃槧 no.
@NotYourPepper 馃槙馃槩
NotYourPepper41-45, F
@SweetnDemented its best this way.
@NotYourPepper that's what they all say
Blithe31-35, F
What size is that rock?
mrmoose70-79, M
@mrmoose 馃槝
mrmoose70-79, M
MrsKatherineArch41-45, F
No, I'm sorry.
@MrsKatherineArch you already married馃槄
MartinTheFirst26-30, M

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