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Can you ever fully trust someone after you know they’re a liar?

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So I’m trying really hard to give this person the benefit of the doubt, but they can lie so smoothly and effortlessly it’s beginning to make me extremely paranoid. It started off with them lying for many months to me about being in a relationship. Then about their job. I’ve watched them lie convincingly in front of their partner and confess to other lies to me when I’ve been there in person like they’re trying to get a reaction out of me. It’s like the lies don’t bother them, or that they almost believe them.

Now, it’s like I can almost feel when they’re lying, but I know I have no proof and I’ll never get anything from them. It makes me kind of mad, but there are still things in our friendship that keep me in it. I just don’t know if I can deal with them being so duplicitous for what I get in return.
That person is dangerous in that they are missing a conscious.

Walk away from that person, he/she is toxic.
MrBeags · 36-40, MNew
These are toxic traits and I would run. It may seem alright for now, but these are people who throw others under the bus if they feel it helps them look better.
@MrBeags oh it’s not alright but I gain in some respects from it.
MrBeags · 36-40, MNew
@Jelly Wasting time with meager gains from a toxic association, instead of reaching higher gains with wholesome folk should never be acceptable. You run the risk of adding toxicity to your own being by extensive proxy to.
I had toxic friends, and years seperated has done me far better. I am more selective of those I put around myself now. Even for the toxic people I knew, it wasn't ALWAYS toxic, so it was acceptance of oblivion and denial of self to maintain that friendship. I didn't find my real voice until their clutter was removed from the spaces around me.
It insults my intelligence for people to lie to me.
Primnproper · 56-60, F
I’m sorry but me personally couldn’t put up with that no matter what the friendship means. Either that or I would have to face them off and call it out every time and say just stop.
@Primnproper what if you had no real proof but your own gut feeling?
Primnproper · 56-60, F
@Jelly if you know them well then I believe you’d know. I’d still question it.
Someone who makes a game out of earning and breaking your trust is fundamentally toxic; it's a form of sadism. If you can't afford to get them out of your life, so be it, but just know they will keep taking opportunities to cause you pain.

P.S. It's not really a gift if you're paying for it with pain. And, since it's NOT a gift, you can decide yourself if it's worth the price or not.
@ElwoodBlues very true. I do pay in pain and lots of it.
People don't lie by chance, they lie by choice.
in10RjFox · M
The question here is Why should One trust Another ?

It only means that you have no life of your own and that you are worthless and the reason why you are constantly behind the back of someone else.

So just live life for the moment, by doing whatever you think is best. Don't expect any thanks or return, which only means that you are trying to use them for your advantage.
Can’t imagine under what circumstances that would be possible. And don’t know why you’d give them the benefit of the doubt. It’s like trying to keep a building standing when the foundation is crumbling.
@Jelly Well I’d do whatever I had to to get out of that situation.
@OlderSometimesWiser absolutely.working on it!
@Jelly Excellent! You can do it and you’ll be proud of yourself and your strength when you do!
JestAJester · 31-35, M
Its like this. Every new person you give the benefit of the doubt because you simply do not know the depth of their character but at the same time distancing yourself to protect yourself. The more you talk and get to know them the more those walls tear down. However, when the lies start and all the misdeeds against you pile up thats when those walls go back up. My philosophy is if they've done it once they'll do it again. It sounds to me like you're letting your personal feelings cloud your judgement, we're all guilty of that.
2ndtimeguy · 61-69, M
Trust is gone avoid them if possible that is who they are!
Probably not.
There might always be a 'what if?' hanging around.
CrazyMusicLover · 31-35
No, they have issues. Run.
Jarffff · 46-50
Yes, lying is a human all too human trait, and i can't end up miserably not trusting anyone because of that, that is letting them control me.

But for that person described above, don't associate with them anymore.
I try to be as honest and upfront as I can. I don't like fake people, or people who steal/lie. But yes, I would walk away from the friendship if I were in your position.
riseofthemachine · 41-45, M
If your around a liar or a person that tells lies you be uncertain and hyper active .
You be trying to make it work out cause you feel sorry for then
InHeaven · F
If what you get in return is more important than the lies 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️then thats what you want?
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iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
This is just so toxic. If you can feel them lying to you then you can never trust them.
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Jelly that’s a really tough spot to be in and the way you describe this person. Maybe that was part of the plan, gifting you items that cost money to maintain and knowing you cannot afford to do so. So you’re stuck with just keeping your mouth shut about what’s happening.

I am sorry you’re in this position. Is there a way to give back these items or you might be really stuck with them and will have to stick it out.
@iamonfire696 oh it was totally their plan, whether consciously planned or not. I don’t think I realised til it was too late. I definitely could, but it would cost me a lot of my personal freedom and comfort. In an ideal world I’d figure out a way to break free and then I’d be gone so fast. Right now I’m still trying to figure it out while being indebted to this person. Nothing comes free, ever, and my mental and emotional pay back definitely is steep!!
iamonfire696 · 41-45, F
@Jelly I am sorry, that’s a crappy situation to be in.

I know it’s hard to deal with but because you need to keep what they have given you, then just keep it.

They planned this and now you’re stuck. Try and take a bit of solace knowing that you have figured them out and you’re just doing what you need to do for now 🩷.
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DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Jelly given that leave NOW!
@DeWayfarer unfortunately right now they are financially supporting me to some extent. I’m safe, just kinda beaten down mentally by it all. Working on a way out for sure
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Jelly the moment he becomes even more controlling leave!

Controlling others is not a good sign.

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