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The Most Ridiculous Reason Ever!

So I dated this guy in the past who used to lie to me about plenty of things.One example is he claimed to have a few luxury cars and big motorcycles when he just had 1 small motorcycle.I had to find out about his lies from a friend!

When I confronted him and asked why he told me all the lies,this is what he said : Out of all the lies,there is one truth and that is my feelings for you!

I looked at him in disbelief,told him that he needed some serious help and left!
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Teslin · M
WOW !! Fortunately the truth came out like it always will eventually. Glad you found out early !!
Teslin · M
@IHTBY Sweet, a free taxi ride.
It all worked out in the end.
IHTBY · 46-50, F
@Teslin It wasn't free and he pretended not to know me.Ha ha.
Teslin · M
@IHTBY LOL, I mis-read that as "didn't" make you pay.
bartender · 36-40, M
Why didn't you believe him when he said he had feelings for u😜
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
I guess these guys just ride it out as long as they can. I knew a guy like this. He lied about everything to a girl I knew. He lied to me also. I have not seen him in like almost 30 years so idk. But he probably still lies.
Jonjdw · 51-55, M
Good you did not fall for that line.
romell · 51-55, M
Wow what a chap..should have been a politico
I can visualize this man
Raaii · 22-25, F
if it was me I will definitely fall for it
The reason I've trust issues and I'll never ever date anytime
IHTBY · 46-50, F
@Raaii I saw this video on you tube by Matthew Hussey.He said something that made perfect sense which is don't look at how you feel about the person but at how that person makes you feel.😀
Raaii · 22-25, F
@IHTBY wise words
At this point I'm still far away from being in a romantic or s relationship
I've never been in one either
But when I'll consider marriage I'll remember this advice
I'll keep it in m mind
Thank you 🙇‍♀️
needsmilk808 · 56-60, M
I’ve never been good at understanding human behavior. It sounds like you avoided future drama. 🤗
IHTBY · 46-50, F
@needsmilk808 That's for damn sure!
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IHTBY · 46-50, F
@jshm2 Perhaps ( no loss there ) but I later found out a friend was dating him. He was still lying!
Jenny1234 · 56-60, F
He has serious issues
IHTBY · 46-50, F
@Jenny1234 Indeed!
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IHTBY · 46-50, F
@Strongtea Hell no!
You dodged a bullet there.

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