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Fake eyelashes denote a lacklustre character which could manifest itself as dishonesty...

Be wary of relying on them. And I don't just mean they might steal, they are also not reliable types of people in general. Bad time keeping, too much time on social media and so on.
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Philth · 46-50, M
@basilfawlty89 Google Pfizer Aricept....
basilfawlty89 · 36-40, M
@Philth I could, but I'm lazy.
@basilfawlty89 it's an Alzheimer's drug.
Singlehandedly bringing down the fake eyelash industry.... Wish I hadn't invested all my money in that now 🙄
Mardrae · F
I wore them for awhile- they are really the in thing where I live. I never could master them and I couldn’t afford extensions and the upkeep. I started looking at women who wore very little or no makeup and I thought how beautiful and fresh they look compared to the women with tons of makeup and false lashes. So I ditched my lashes. Every once in awhile I get a craving to wear them because I look disgusting without a ton of makeup, but then I just really want less effort in my life and to be a “what you see is what you get “ kinda gal.
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
@Mardrae I have a similar story. Both me and my boyfriend think I look beautiful natural so no need for weird clown makeup.
Mardrae · F
@Queendragonfly I totally agree! I bet a lot of guys look at girls like that and think “ too high maintenance!” 😂
morrgin · F
I think of the ones i know with these and you are right!
Lilymoon · F
I'd never wear them. Too much hassle and time to be bothered. lol
Tres13 · 51-55, M
....denotes Brazil
TexChik · F
val70 · 51-55
I'm moving away quickly from this subject matter thinking of all those fake eyelashes taken from minks at those dreadful fur farms. Buy only “ethically sourced,” “free-range,” and “cruelty-free" please!
smiler2012 · 61-69
{@bellows] 😆i will relate your comments to my eldest niece lol
Bellows · 61-69, F
@smiler2012 she needs to hear this.
metaldog · 51-55, F
I think any trend copying denotes a lackluster character
Morrigan · F
So I guess no fake eyelashes for you then
Queendragonfly · 31-35, F
Did you fail to put on your fake eyelashes?
666Maggotz · F
We get, you’re angry because you can’t be sexy.
SatanBurger · 36-40, F
Nothing wrong with fake eyelashes. My guess is you got screwed over by some girl that had fake eyelashes

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