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I Believe In Making A Difference In Our Communities

Upon thinking about it - I have a good idea why so many people are so depressed in USA.
Now, it's not JUST TV, it's how it's designed.
In the old days, before TV, things were all about "keeping up with the Joneses"
If your neighbor's ended up getting a fancy new car, well it became a discussion in your household and maybe a new car would end up being purchased in the near future.
That's not so bad, it builds the country's economy. But, sometimes the other family cannot buy that car, and so it makes the family feel it is somehow inferior to their neighbors.
If you take away social interaction - like we have in USA; it still must be replaced with something. We are social animals and we crave this interaction with others. But, we also DO NOT crave being judged harshly, or being disagreed with, told we are wrong, etc.
So, what happens? Many people choose Television as a companion, because it doesn't judge YOU, while it allows you to evaluate and judge others.
While it's doing this, it is continually exposing you to "television personalities" and these are often people that are as close to perfection as can be managed.
So, this becomes your new social circle and influence. These people become the measuring stick that you use to decide if you are doing well, or doing poorly. Not only are they showing you people who are doing exceptionally well, are charismatic, and usually very attractive. They seem to have everything, because you never hear them complain - unless it's a complaint that is actually AIMED at YOU!
"Are you tired of X not working perfectly? Buy Y!" And then one of these pseudo-perfect people come out and repeat the message.

Unless you are a millionaire - you are GOING to feel like you are behind. In fact, with the DEPTH of this field, it's likely viewed as "being behind by so far a distance, starting the race isn't worth the effort."

This is only worsened by commercials and the drive to commercialize everything in America. It's not good to not have a car. But, it's not good to have an old car - it MUST be new, to be viewed with positivity. In fact, even a new car is often degraded, because it wasn't expensive enough - or perhaps there is now a dent in the door - marring it's perfection (yet not it's function.)

We just are looking at the wrong things, and we are RESEARCHING them and all this repetition is only serving to make the general population feel like less.

The entire idea behind "If you're not first, you're last" is SO FOOLISH it is hard to really convey effectively. If that's the case, and we teach children this outlook - how is it we expect anything except a couple winners, and a nation full of people who identify as "losers"?

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