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The meaning of privilege...we need reminders...hell! If you need a reminder than you are experiencing privledge

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ViciDraco · 41-45, M
They know what it is, they are just afraid to admit it because they think it's something they will lose or something that people want them to feel guilty for.

They don't understand that nobody wants to take their privilege away. They want to extend the privilege to as many people as possible. It's not about making someone's life worse, it's about allowing as many people as possible to have a better life. Recognizing your privilege helps you understand what you should be advocating for other people to have as well, it's not about giving it up.

There are a few that aren't happy unless they have ways to compare themselves to someone else and view themselves as better or superior. I like to think that is the minority though. I really do think the majority misunderstand the reason people try to call out privilege the way they do.
@ViciDraco To some of them, extending privilege to others does feel like losing it. That’s who you’re describing in your last paragraph. I used to think they were a minority, but after this last election, I’m not so sure.

Never before have I seen so many groups screw up their own benefits trying so hard to make sure others didn’t benefit. 🥺
ViciDraco · 41-45, M
@bijouxbroussard I get a big dose of that culture whenever I go to visit family. They believe all the misinformation that gets pumped out and Facebook and YouTube have just making it worse and worse. They legitimately believe people crossing the border prevents hurricane victims from getting help. They believe government is inefficient and corrupt. They believe they can't get help from the system because of reverse racism. And they've got a million emotional anecdotes to deflect logic and fact.

Most of them are wilfully ignorant as a defense mechanism but not maliciously ignorant. Yet that does not make their ignorance less dangerous. They are kept in a state of anxiety with their ire directed at the less powerful on purpose.

Now, around here the situation is different. This site doesn't really capture a representative view because the wilfully ignorant don't engage. A lot of the 'usual suspects' here are not ignorant but purposefully being malicious. I wouldn't be surprised if some of them are the same people with multiple accounts or even people paid to sew discord in online communities.
markinkansas · 61-69, M
this is a quote on my profile.
Thank god i am a white male . in these times.. not a joke
i understand what rights i have and what rights others are not given.
all should be equal
man vs woman
white vs black or other

in denver a cop does not look at me and however
he will see a black man and stop him just to ask him questions. and it goes on and on..
a man gets paid more tor the same job than a woman
or gets the raise first..
so i can say thank god i am a white man . however i see the difference
and now you can talk about the rich vs the poor its also shamefull
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calicuz · 56-60, M
"Only a privileged man is oppressed by equality"
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