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BohemianBabe · M
Religion is a massive blind spot for most people. So many of the things they claim they believe their god does, they would find disgusting if a real person did.
SteelHands · 61-69, M
Since God is not going to make any mistakes about who deserves what even if I think I can imagine things even worse, and probably there are a few. I would say that something like that has no place here on earth.
Sweetguy024 · 36-40, M
@SteelHands I just don't see how anyone would deserve being stuck in a constant state of torture and torment for all eternity. I don't feel even someone worse than hitler would deserve something so horrible. Maybe for a little while and than them cease to exist, but not to stay in such horrible torture and pain for all eternity.
They said that EVERYONE deserves that, and only way not to be tortured like that is to repent, stop sinning, and believe and worship Christ and the Lord. I believe it's good to believe, but the punishment for not believing is insanely harsh I feel. Obviously I'm not as wise or God as good so some people would say that's why I feel that way. But even that statement is weird. If I did have God's understanding I would see why people deserve to be tortured for forever, I don't think so
They said that EVERYONE deserves that, and only way not to be tortured like that is to repent, stop sinning, and believe and worship Christ and the Lord. I believe it's good to believe, but the punishment for not believing is insanely harsh I feel. Obviously I'm not as wise or God as good so some people would say that's why I feel that way. But even that statement is weird. If I did have God's understanding I would see why people deserve to be tortured for forever, I don't think so
RageAgainstTheMachine · 41-45, M
Inconsistencies such as false imprisonment and judicial bias, whether racial or political, mutate this into the horror of the Ministry of Peace from the novel 1984.
Sweetguy024 · 36-40, M
@RageAgainstTheMachine sounds like a scary book!
Flenflyys · 31-35, F
No, why would anyone?
Sweetguy024 · 36-40, M
@Flenflyys I wouldn't think anyone in their right mind would feel comfortable with a punishment like that being inflicted on anyone. Like I said, that's basically what people believe Hell is. You're kept in a state of constant suffering with no breaks, sleep, food or water to drink. I don't believe that God would allow anyone to endure a punishment like that, especially for all eternity.